Cortar internet, the new commodity of authoritarian regimes

Protest in Myanmar (Reuters)
Protest in Myanmar (Reuters)

When the generals in Myanmar dieron un golpe de Estado la semana pasada, cortaron bréberté la conexión an internet en een aparente intent de frenar las protests. Off Uganda, users will not be able to access Facebook, Twitter or other social media during the week through the elections. It is not necessary to access the Internet to la Región de Tigray, and El Norte de Ethiopia, summed up in an armed conflict.

All over the world, internet access has been transformed into one of the most popular tactics by the representative and authoritarian regimes, and some democracies some guarantors. The digital rights groups signal that the governing bodies are using them for sofocar the dissent, silenciar to the opposition tapar abuse of human rights, imposing restrictions on the freedom of expression.

The regimes suelen cortar the access to the internet and respond to protests or civil disturbances, especially in electoral periods, in a intention to maintain the power restricting the flow of information, according to investigators. It is the digital equivalent of taking control of local radio and television stations, which form part of the Deposits and Rebels Manual.

“During the years, he has not been informed or has been informed about the Internet court”, said Alp Toker, founder of the Netblocks Internet Monitoring Organization. The world is “emcezande a darse cuente de lo que esta ocurriendo” conforme crecen los proyectos que, com el suyo, hacen esfuerzos por documentarlo.

El año pasado se produjeron 93 shorts important on internet and 21 paise, following a report by Top10VPN, a security and digital privacy investigation group in Great Britain. The list does not include places like China and North Korea, where the governing body strictly controls or restricts internet connections. Restrictions can be applied to total blocks of access to concrete social platforms or abrupt reductions in connection speed, the information indicates.

This is my friend political, economic and humanitarian, advirtieron los expertos. Its effects are exacerbated by the covariates of COVID-19, which have been exposed to cyberspace activities such as teaching.

También reflejan una lucha más amplia por el internet de control. By the way, those trying to control social media have planted preoccupations with restrictions on the freedom of expression and will limit daily information. On occasion, the authoritarian regimes employ this ultimate argument to justify their means.

Off Myanmar, Internet access was curtailed for 24 hours at the end of the week, with the apparent intention of curtailing the protests against the power of Ejército and the detention of leader Aung San Suu Kyi and his allies. For the sake of convenience, Internet users will be able to access the Internet from their cellular devices immediately.

The court of telecommunications in Myanmar (Reuters)
The court of telecommunications in Myanmar (Reuters)

The Norwegian Telenor ASA, which manages one of the main cellular operators in Myanmar, said that the Ministry of Communications had quoted “false news circulation, stability of the nation and public interest” in ordering the operators to disconnect its speeches temporary.

Telenor dijo que tenia que cumplir las leyes locales. “We deeply regret the impact that the court has on the people of Myanmar,” he said.

Off Belarus if you access the internet lasts 61 hours tras the presidential elections of January 9, in the first European block of the Internet. The service was shortlisted by the official results of the election as President Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian, although the vote was widely regarded as a huge protest and disenfranchisement. The access is shown to be invaluable during the months, especially during the week-end protests.

Activists organize in Minsk and medio del bloqueo de redes in Belarus (Reuters)
Activists organize in Minsk and medio del bloqueo de redes in Belarus (Reuters)

The risk is that habitual courts are normalized, dijo Toker.

“Consecrates a response to a ‘pavlovian’ poke in which the public in the country as the international community desensibilizan to these courts”, dijo, beskrywendolo as “the mayor risks our collective freedom in the digital age”.

Internet courts also have their habitats in democracy In the, donde el prime minister, Narendra Modi, los utiliza any more against his political opposition. His Hindu nationalist government has organized scientific court rulings, following a monitoring session.

The mayoral fueron in the dispute Cachemira, que 18 months ago without internet high speed bike, last week. But he also used protests against the governing body, like the huge agricultural markets that he handed over the governing body of Modi.

Protestant periodicals in Cachemira during internet block (Reuters)
Protestant periodicals in Cachemira during internet block (Reuters)

“Solían is the authoritarian governor of what he is, but we are convinced that the practice is most habitual in democracies like India,” said Darrell West, vice president of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, who studied Internet court.

“The danger is that a party wants a democracy, otherwise they will try to do it themselves. You can start at the local level to manage protests, but then you can increase more ”.

(With AP information)


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