coronavirus variant United Kingdom more mortal | Univision Health News

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has indicated that the evidence suggests that the coronavirus variant surpasses the United Kingdom and that it has extended to other nations could be more deadly.

In a press release, the British Prime Minister signaled that the data were evaluated by scientists at the Assessor Group on New and Emergency Respiratory Response Systems, which informed the governor about these hallucinations.

This is an indication of the BBC’s cadena, “toda the permanent evidence in a preliminary stage”.

Studies have shown that it is possible to propagate more easily than other versions of the virus, but it is the first time that it indicates that it is more deadly. The new variant was detected at the first time in Kent in September, an English locality of the easternmost part of the country.

Since then it has been propagated for more than 50 countries.

“In addition to propagating more rapidly, now that there is no evidence that the new variant, the variant identified by the first in London and the surest, can be associated with a mayor’s mortality rate. Part of the impact of this new variant is that it means that the NHS (peacekeeping service) is a very intense pressure “, assured.

Alert in the CENTURY

In my opinion, the Centers for Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC for its Sails in English) will provide information that the rapid propagation of this variant complicates the capacity of the United States sanitary resources, just in case. the following infections are not uncommon.

For this it is only necessary that the people plan with the mitigation strategies, how to maintain physical distance and use mascarillas.

This variant, known as B.1.1.7, there are some more contagious than the actual version of the virus circulating in the country, as well as increasing the percentage of the population required to be evacuated to possibly collect a collective facility that allows the control of the pandemic, the CDC said.

“We are very concerned about this variant”, says Michael Johansson, one of the authors of the study and code director of the analysis team with models for the response to covid-19 of the CDC.

Johansson cites evidence from United Kingdom respecting the variant can transmit person to person more easily and signal that the CDC is working to increase the number of attempts to achieve more tests for the various languages ​​in the country.
United States continuously registering an increase in cases without precedents, which in the last few days has surpassed 200,000 diamonds. These jewels were the third consecutive day in which the death toll rose to 4,000.

While the golf pandemic with fire, the commencement of a massive evacuation effort has been much more than what has been promised: inocular to 20 million people for the end of the year. It has distributed more than 31.1 million doses up to now, at the time of its administration and has managed 12.3 million, according to CDC data.

