Coronavirus vaccination: EE UU eliminates the obligation to use mascara for the vaccinated | Sociedad

The Centers for the Control and Prevention of United States Enforcement (CDC, for its seals in English) he authorizes these moons that persons completely evacuated against the covid can reunite with other munitions in interiors, without the need to use mascara or guard. The rate of immunization (9.2% of the population has received all the necessary doses and 18% less than one) is due to the creation of contact and death dates recorded in the last weeks, and a prudent optimism is but it does not mean that it is interpreted as the principle of the end of the pandemic, a horizon that is closely shaped by very different forms from the state administrations.

Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, explained that she considered a person to be “totally vacant” when he went through the weeks since the last pinchazo. That said, 14 days have passed since Johnson & Johnson’s single dose of Pfizer or Modern’s second injection. These are the only vacancies authorized in the United States.

The interior visits between people who are completely evacuated without mascara or distance are probably [encuentros] de bajo riesgo ”, explains the guide published this Monday by the CDC. The Federal Sanitary Authority of the Netherlands — more than a million people killed by death and more than 29 million were detained — accept that even those who have been vaccinated have not been vaccinated to death while using mascarillas to guard their distance . The organism also eliminates the obligation to be quarantined and to perform a test through a positive if the person is asymptomatic.


In any case, the CDC insists that this restriction in restricted circles can not be exacerbated in public interactions. The vacancies must follow the mascara and respect the distance of safety in public, as well as in visits or contacts with the public. By the same token, deberán should be reunited in large groups and tend to be accompanied by a diagnostic test and manifest symptoms.

The visits or meetings are likely to represent a very small risk for the people who are completely evacuated. The largest and most median meetings include people in vacancies of various kinds of conviction that increase the transmission risk. Although the risk of illness can be minimal for people who are completely evacuated, they must be aware of their potential risk of transmitting the virus to other people if they are infected. The persons evacuated altogether did not have to attend or attend a meeting if they gave a positive result in the 10 previous days or experimentation compatible with covid-19, Independently of the state of evacuation of the other persons at the meeting ”, the organization explains. Other remedial remedies for vacancies are to avoid travel and large concentrations.

The immediate aftermath of the pandemic tunnel defines in security protocols as the State or the Administration that decides. The Texas and Mississippi decision to release the obligation to use mascara and resuscitate without limitation the establishments has provoked the reaction of the sanitary authorities and the epidemiologists, who advised against the risk of reprisals and the consequences of such a ban. . The President of the EE UU, Joe Biden, qualified for “Neanderthals” to the governors of both States for his advancement. In contrast, the New York State, which was the most bumpy zone in the first quarter, has announced that starting April, it will reopen its booths, as well as interiors with exteriors, with limited access, having recently acquired the repertoire of interior of bars and restaurants at 25% of its capacity.
