Coronavirus: La tercera ola ya obliga a suspender surgeries | Sociedad

The curve of contagios follows ascending all over Spain and empires to complicate ordinary activity in hospitals. The clearest case is that of the Valencian Community, which, with an incidence of 14 days out of 609 cases per 100,000 residents and 45% of the UCI beds occupied by patients with covid-19, has been ordered to suspend operations and tests diagnoses are not urgent to respond to the coronavirus virus number. Hospitals of Catalonia and Galicia have also been saturated and are desperate to postpone emergency activity. “The forecasts are very bad and the inclination of the epidemic curve is vertical. As we will say, in 15 days, hospitals will be collapsing, ”said Javier García Fernández, president of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology. Since Christmas, hospitalizations by covid have increased by 69% (haoi 18,215 ingresados) and occupation in the UCI has reduced 44% (hooi 2,744 critical nurses with covid).

With this scenario and the arrangement of a curve of ascents in ascension, the sanitary centers will be able to face the incessant gothe of plants that grow in its plants. Extremadura, with the highest accumulated incidence in Spain (1,131 inhabitants out of 100,000 inhabitants), has not yet been suspended from hospital activity, but “it has been planted and it is possible” in some sanitary areas, a regional executive spokesman said.

In addition, the Valencian Generalit only has given instructions to suspend emergency activities, also to provide more beds and to prepare 280 places in camp hospitals and to derive the coveted living conditions in case of collapse. He also deviated, in addition, 35 nurses of other concerns to the private health and the hospital of Elche vacated his head to colocar camas for if it is accurate.

In Catalonia, the situation is more heterogeneous than the center, but all share the theme of an insatiable saturation. We are very excited, but now we have not planned and we intend to increase the maximum. If the rhythm is maintained, we tend to program in days or the next week, ”said a spokeswoman for the Barcelona Clinic.

The Vall d’Hebron maintains intact activity, per Sant Pau, which has a patient population covid at the UCI and 88 in plant, where cancels these mercantile and urgent interventions. El del Mar has the traditional UCI line of covid and has closed three chiropractors because necessary postoperative resuscitation units for critical pathologies of other pathologies. The rest of the operation halls of the center, without embarrassment, could absorb the activity and not have to suspend anything. In the Trueta de Girona, too, the activity of closing four chirofanos on the latter has been reduced.

In Galicia, the punctuality of his punctuality and he has no major hospitalization, assured the President of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Euskadi, for its part, finds itself in scenario 3 of the UCI’s Contingency Plan. “Being in this scenario means prioritizing as many personal resources as materials. If a surgical operation is carried out, but as a matter of logic, it will be done, ”said Osakidetza.

Some Andalusian hospitals also use assisted living facilities and the Clinic of Málaga can have more UCI beds and a specific area for emergencies. In Cádiz, there are potent operations that require less than three days of ingress and those that do not require hospitalization.

Donde aun no se ha tenido que reorganiza la activity in the eye of contagios es in Madrid (627 cases for 100,000 residents). The intervention of the intervention has been more than due to the lack of sanction in the donation centers caused by the drilling Filomena que for the pandemic.

In any case, the paramedics consulted val saam in that the evolution of the new ola augura lo peor. “We are concerned and needy. It’s much like the first one, ”lamented Miriam Rubio, a member of the Satse union in Segovia.

With information from C. Vázquez, M. Ormazabal, I. Valdés, E. Saiz y L. Tolosa.

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