Coronavirus: Internet and relocation profile: invisible programs for holidays and EE UU | Sociedad

It is a fact that in the United States the requirements for a vacancy do not mean that some can be obtained immediately. Inklusiewe, the power to occupy one of the first places of the file is not the same for all. ProPublica has discovered that some vacancy programs are designed for design, and that, intentionally or not, there are barriers that prevent a mayor from killing a mother for death.

In many areas of the country, it is most difficult to program a city to evacuate if you do not have internet access. Some areas only offer the option of vacating in centers that only hold people in a car, which only excludes people who carry a vehicle or who do not belong to anyone who lives. In other places, women in English do not have problems obtaining information on the help lines and web sites of the Government. A state includes no roundabout to allow undocumented workers with high-risk jobs prior to evacuation. The vacancy summit is assigned to the vacancy to meet all the requirements and competency resulting in value.

“My pesadilla is a level-headed health care system that has rich people, privileged or connected people, and we live in all of them,” said Jonathan Jackson, director of the Hospital Access Research Center, Recruitment and Community Communication Participation General of Massachusetts and of the Faculty of Medicine of Harvard. “One time we read about this point of saturation, in which all at the first level hayan received his vacancies, the narrative would change to guilt. If so, what was his result? ”

From the moment his father of 69 years, José Balboa, completed the requisitions for vacancy, Kristine Mathason passed every day on the phone or on the internet trying to get a vacancy. Find available quotes of various times, but you can find the form to take to your child at the evacuation center. Balboa has paralysis of the larynx as a consequence of a cerebrovascular accident and requires a row of seats to move. And Miami, do not vive, la mayor of the las vacunas únicamente’s administran a personas and automovil.

Mathason does not have a van and can drive under the wheel of his father, and he can not lift it alone. To move his bed to the room, he must wait for medical attention in the hogar usa una grúa. It is impossible to use this device to subdue Balboa to a coach, dijo Mathason, because the poor impetus gates with a group to use the support of people. Balboa is included in the previous case when his family members moved.

Mathason says she is “ready to go all out” that she needs to vacate her father. “It’s a person with great risks: being diabetic, or a cerebrovascular accident 17 years ago,” she said. “It has high arterial pressure. My mediocre husband, who lives with him, works in a restaurant, or is a high-risk employee. We do everything possible ”.

Mathason examined all the cases in which he was injured, but each one resulted in a dead calf. I had to rent a van, but I had to pay for the pandemic and I could not pay for it. I think in Uber, but the access to the roadblock and the cost of hoping in the evacuation area are prohibitive. “My father is one of those people who, thankfully, is coming back”, commented.

There is a service in the area that offers transport for people of third age, but only from the service to a destination in particular and no experience with Balboa in the lane of the car evacuation service. There is an additional inconvenience: the programmed routes require a notice of 24 hours for the party, but the local hospital that offers attention without notice, the programs with less than 24 hours of accommodation. The Department of Health of the Miami-Dade County Department indicates that our questions are addressed to the State Department of Health, which does not respond to requests for comment on this report.

According to the Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 14% of Florida adults have disabilities that affect their mobility, the same terms that the CDC defines as serious shortcomings. to walk or climb stairs. While some people with limited mobility can access a coach with a facility facilitated by Balboa, he and his family have many options.

“I just think that hubieran thought in person like my father”, says Mathason. “What happens to the people who do not share with someone like you who are talking about moving the sky and the ground to get a quote? What happens to people who do not have a vehicle and can not be loaded into a car? ”

After more than one search query, Balboa received a call from the medical center where he consulted. Habían received a donation of vacancies; entonces pasaron por él y lo llevaron a vacunarse en una sus suusetas equipadas para sillas de ruedas. The first injection was received on February 24.

Without a computer, everything is more difficult

At Eneyda Morales, 40 years old and a mother of three in East Hampton, New York, she was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and is still in labor. Work four days a week in a search near your home. “I would like to be evacuated due to the problem I was having and because I was working in a place where I had to wait for people”, commented. Sondeverbod, is not really sure to get the vacuna. While many stadiums search for information online, it does not have a computer and does not know how to use it. She has a smartphone, but only use it for those things like looking for directions. The only computer that has in its case is the one that receives its eggs from the school to make the area.

The New York City has an information line for programming quotes by telephone, but only for vacancies that are administered in places run by the City. In the case of Morales, it is the closest thing to a 60-mile (96-kilometer) distance, watch and media car. If you pick up one more thing from your home, you should contact the hospitals and pharmacies of your local area directly. When interested parties are on the information line, the message goes that the fastest way to obtain information is through the requisites and programming of citations to enter the Internet.

Morales piensa obtener ayuda de OLA van Eastern Long Island, una organization un fines de lucro. The idea is to program one more search of your home and one of its free slides. Sin su ayuda, dijo que no sabría donde comenzar a buscar.

Some States that intend to offer options for programming vacancy quotes using separate Internet methods have many problems. The telephone line established in Maryland is flooded with people who are being questioned by residents who have been waiting a long time for lies to be heard. In Tennessee, the decision taken by Shelby to allow Internet users to abstain from quoting by telephone means that all turns on the Internet are made by abiding by the telephone lines.

Agreed with the Pew Research Center research center, approximately 10% of the adult population does not use the Internet. In the investigations it has been found that the state councils of mayor edad, with minor and minor education, and that there is no white space, ten minor probabilities of using the Internet.

This report was produced by ProPublica, an independent medium with no finesse, and has been published in Spanish by EL PAÍS.

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