Coronavirus in United States: enter into force the mandatory use of mascarillas in public transport

As of this March, North Americans are required to use mascarillas in EU public transport (REUTERS / Andrew Kelly)
As of this March, North Americans are required to use mascarillas in EU public transport (REUTERS / Andrew Kelly)

At 11.59 on the night of this Monday, the decree issued last week by President Joe Biden que require the use of mascarillas for any person who has a bus, train, airplane, subway, boat, ferry, taxi or inclusive of a shared carriage with Uber or Lyft.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, published in English) publishes a once-in-a-lifetime document on what is specified. cuán importante es tener cubierta la boca y nariz para avoid la Propagionation del virus del COVID-19, and determine that tienen que mascarillas las que se usen, ya que las bandanas, bufandas o mascaras de esquí ne cumplen con el same proposal. T-shirts are accepted as t-shirts or sweaters provided as adequate protection.

As part of every day a person carrying a load of public transport must check that the price per cent of the passengers is accompanied by less than the following requisites: mascarilla apropiada que cubra nariz y boca; the mascara de tela deben tener menos dos capas que no sean traslucidas; deben ir atadas a la cabeza, ya sea a través de tirantes, o elasticos detrás las las orejas; if the mask should be comfortable and allow respiration, then it is sufficiently placed on the grid as if it were not to filter the air; quedan descartas las mascarillas con huecos; pueden ser descartables o reusable; allows transparent materials to assist in communication with people with auditory dysfunction, always and when not connected to the air; the protective pants on the roster can be complemented, but not replaced by the use of mascara.

Joe Biden distributes the mandatory mascarillas in EU public transport (Doug Mills / CNP / Polaris)
Joe Biden distributes the mandatory mascarillas in EU public transport (Doug Mills / CNP / Polaris)

“The order must be complied with by all passengers who use public transport, from, within the United States. At the same time, the use of different masks in the conductors is required, which all work in the stations, which are related to transport in the country “, indicates the CDC web page.

Those who do not plan with the new rule are exposed to being expelled from the transport center in question and hasta pueden llegar a recibir una prohibition a largo plaza par utilizar esa form de traslado. In more recent and recent cases, the mid-term federal charges.

The standard will be controlled by agents of the Transport Security Administration (TSA, by its English records), as well as by any effective federal, state or local authority.

“The CDC reserves the right to impose federal criminal charges, even if the intent is not to lie to that authority.”, read the document.

President Joe Biden stepped into the public eye to use mascara to prevent coronavirus spread (REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)
President Joe Biden stepped into the public eye to use mascara to prevent coronavirus spread (REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)

The only exceptions to the rule are when the person is taking, taking or taking a medicine. Less than two years, people with disabilities or respiratory nurses que podrían vers agravadas por eluso mascarillas stánent exentas del uso de la misma.

In states like Florida, where the governor Ron DeSantis Firm una orden execuve el pasado mes de noviembre mediante la cual le prohíbe a los gobernos locales hacer cumplir reglas de uso obligatorio de mascaras, ahora deberán acatar la orden federal. In situations like Miami-Dade, the use of mascarillas is required, but after the governor’s decree no podium can be given to many who do not comply with the order. Now it is not clear if the many wolves will be valid.

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