Coronavirus in Mendoza: “We are on the verge of collapse and very tired”, denuncian los médicos

MENDOZA.- It’s a repeated story, but with a short ending. In less than a year, the peonies of the coronavirus pandemic “class =” com-link “data-reactroot =” “>coronavirus in tierra cuyana vuelven to repeat pero with a second or that show a lad more pigs. Asia, the hospitals of Mendoza empiezan to disembark, while doctors and patients are harassing in order to win the battle against Covid-19, and are advising on the scenario that is happening.

“It’s all about Covid; we are on the brink of collapse and very tired ”, account to LA NACION, a galeno of El Carmen Hospital, the reference center of the Social Work of Public Employees (OSEP), will be prepared to go to another hospital to provide its services. “The second olas have been brutal all over the world and have been aggravated by another year, with tests and vacancies,” he said.

In this effect of Godoy Cruz’s commune, he has patients who are waiting for guards and passengers. There is more, there is a pavilion on the outside, in the parking lot, where the situation is chaotic and dramatic for women all over their homes. “Es asco el lugar; a carp, bathing in the sun, sharing a bath with more than 20 people. If there is a small pooch, saturating more oxygen in the camomile, and crucifying the dead for sobrevivir; the therapy beds are all occupied ”, lamented one of the mendocinos that were alloyed in this zone of the effect to the free air, where they were 12 hours long enough to perform the coronavirus test.

In the private sanitation centers the scenario is the same, with the latent preoccupation of the need for more staff to make front in the contingency, more so because of the lack of space. As a result, the occupation of critical beds is 100% in the majority of the province’s sanitary effects, in line with the latest report from the Provincial Health Ministry. “The second one has an abrupt, explosive behavior. We are with a high cup occupancy bag. There are moments when we are 90% and there are moments when we are full. We will take extreme care of all possible victims ”, indicates the Minister of Health of Mendoza, Ana María Nadal.

Despite the increase in contagios, Mendoza has more intensive therapy beds

In this scenario, The local executive bus will amplify the spaces for more people to receive medical attention. Hecho, this moon is the first part of a work that exemplifies 34 units of Unidad de Terapia Intensiva and Total Hospital Central, el head centro sanitario del Gran Mendoza, for an investment of 150 million dollars. Of these new beds that are incorporated, siete ya fueron occupid the sabbatical at night.

“This bed extension has come to support a sanitary system designed to respond to pandemics and follow the equilibrium strategy between the health and economy that adle the Province during the pandemic ”, indicates the function, in reference to the “on-off” scheme issued by Governor Rodolfo Suarez (UCR), with less restrictions than Nation.

In view of the functioning of the system and the human resource, Nadal repeats the words of President Alberto Fernandez about the “relaxation” of the sanitary area. “It simply came to our notice then. Geen puedo entender quis quiso decir el presidente nie. The health care system never relies, acting with absolute responsibility ”. Asimismo, he concluded that “there is a great deal of compromise going on at this moment, with a great deal of concern that there is more to his diary, with a strong compromise”. The Minister also indicated that he was studying the operation of some pediatric hospitals and the possibility of reverting to his function, as did Humberto Notti, who had special tenor spaces for adults with Covid-19.

Thus, the empyaca evacuation campaign to reactivate this week, with the release of 35,000 doses of the vacancy of AstraZeneca“class =” com-link “data-reactroot =” “>vacancy of AstraZeneca, lubero de haber dado todas las doses el jueves ultimo, alcanzando a inocular al grupo de mayores de 70 años. Prohibition of probes, has 50,000 more than 60 year olds who can hope for the dose, in agreement with the official registration system. Asimismo, hay gran preoccupation of teachers and demas persons less than 60 years with pre-existing nurses for the demos of Argentina and consume the immunizations.

Since the pandemic was reported in the province of Mendoza in March 2020, 81,955 positive cases of Covid-19. Thus, 1631 bankruptcies were found, while 77,371 people were recovering.

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