Coronavirus in Colombia: Posimas, yerbas y medicinas caseras

Between the time, the resignation and the fe, miles of Colombians buscan hale the oil to the contagio of Covid-19 with possessions, yerbas and caser medicines while lying in pais las The vacancies advertised by the Gobierno, although in the process its various también lo que temen que el remedio resultte peor que la enfermedad.

Bicarbonate, ginger, eucalyptus, ajo and lemon hacen parte de la botica de los colombianos para menguar la apparisión af sintomas ou including aliviarlos en case alguien esté ya contagiado en casa, pero hay otros que siembran temor porque en su promesa de acabar con el virus también llevan implies elies conies practica.

“One of the symptoms that has been detected in this disease is the loss of awareness before the odors and sabers; entones, the people who take these remedies without knowing that they are affected by the same alteration of the senses”, said the doctor Juan Carlos Hernández, Coordinator of Internal Medicine and Neurologist at the Occidental Clinic, quoted in a statement from this medical center.

As a clinical practice, many others in Colombia have already issued dispatches through their social networks and web pages that alert the citizens to the risks of giving up some safe remedies, the cues, breaths, little or nothing known to them. efficiency.

From vaporizations to high temperatures with a yerba concoida such as anamú -prescribed in the popular sabiduria to alleviate the sinusitis- hasta rociar tapabocas with alcohol and luego aspirarlo, asi as gargaras de agua a alta tempera, son algunas de las colos for those who believe that “what we do not want to do more” is the risk that a possible contagion of Covid-19.

“También hemos visto consumption of alcohol, hypoclorito, herbas no adequadas y gargaras con sal”, aggregated Hernández.


In agreement with the Institute of Health Technology Evaluation, since the first case of Covid-19 of Colombia, in March 2020, the 75 per cent of Colombian Internet searches related to salute tienen that were by means of cases that could attack the virus, a percentage that does not match the videos, messages and audios that abound in Whatsapp and other social speeches on the subject.

Hecho, in virtual forums and traverses of distant media, Jorge Iván Ospina, alcalde de Cali (suroeste), professional medicine and one of the most famous local officials in the country, suggested the use of Ivermectin antiparasitic drug as the ante remedy Covid-19, although his tampon efficiency has been compromised, because he has been the object of criticism.

“I do not quarrel more than in this debate because I believe that it can be excessive, but many colleagues who with Ivermectina, in the form of prophylaxis, have a great salvation (…). It’s something that you, personally, use”, said Ospina el pasado December at the Blu Radio broadcast.

Like Ospina, several Ivarmectina benefits have been reported, as far as the first pandemic in the country is concerned – and in August 2019 – the medicine was taken and sold including three times the price originally and in a clandestine manner as a free sale, it requires that a medical formula be required for purchase.

“Fue tanto el temor esa vez, que including debimos valernos de un médico que le recomendar a mi papa para nos hiciera un forma médica a mis hermanas ya mí para poder compralo, pero la verdad es que nunca lo consumimos”, dijo a Sputnik a female from Bogotá whose footsteps are reserved for his name.


Now, when the country catches up to the second peak of the pandemic as a consequence of the flexibility of the biosecurity media during the time of Navidad and Año Nuevo, there is also the practice that boga is the consumption of aspirin with lemon and flour , as well as the consumption of chlorine dioxide, a disinfectant of surfaces that can be highly toxic and generate serious damage to health.

“A friend recommends the aspirin and works for me, I have this good customer during three nights and the maluquera (disaliento) passes me”, says, for his part, Rafael Rentería, a metal seller in the center of Bogotá who asegura haber tenido “una gripe fuerte con un un poquito de perdida de olfato”, pero que nunca se una prueba de Covid-19 because, simply put, “there is nothing to create in these things”.

The inhalations and vaporizations with fresh water, as well as the empty free prayers, are the other suggestions that are given by these days among the Colombians, quizzes that are more effective than those – of accord with medical science – while still nebulizers and vaporizers in spaces like Free Market.

Allí, a portable nebulizer for adults and pediatric cuesta, in promedio, $ 150,000 Colombian pesos (one 43 dollars), but on occasion must hope to have ten days to receive.

“Good share of these products are imported from China and by these days are some of the most demanded together with the oxygen concentrators for patients who have had them. Coronavirus; the problem is that it has debunked the global failures that have caused the pandemic in commerce to result in more deadly tensions “, explained to Sputnik the electronic engineer Hernando Arbeláez, who commercializes such devices.

In addition to its use of medical supervision, it is indiscriminate that it can injure the mucous membranes of the body.

By the way, it will be hoped that in February the Vacunamassive cation in the country, the doctors suggest consuming rich foods in vitamins A, B, C and E and others such as fruits, vegetables or fish, realize moderate physical ownership and descend adequately, while giving health risk with remedial measures llevar a la gente desde la comodidad de su hogar a una sala de urgencias.

Source: Sputnik

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