Coronavirus Crisis: “Have a perfect torment to increase suicide risk” | Sociedad

Diego Palao, Jefe de Salud Mental del Hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell
Diego Palao, Chief of Mental Health Hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell

Nadie is recovering from the effects of the pandemic on mental health. Niños, adolescents and adults are sufano the consequences of social Islam and the economic crisis that is avecina, alert Diego Palao (Yecla, Murcia; 58 years), director of the mental health hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell and investigator expert in suicide prevention. Adults have experienced the onset of depression and depression, however, and in adolescents, suicide attempts. The Code Suicide Suicide of Catalonia, which monitors attempts and suicides consumed and activates an alert circuit in case of high self-esteem, reported this month in February an increase in attempts at minors of 81% respect respect for another year – 122 cases front to 200—.

With the complete consultations and sorting out the access difficulties to the system with the video consultations, the psychiatrist takes time also to analyze the mental health of the people he passed the covid. “There is a pathology that we can associate with the pandemic is the post-traumatic stress disorder. We are looking for a study of people who are healthy by the UCI by covid and it is hoped that there will be an increase of 20% or 30% of post-traumatic stress disorder, ”she said.

Pregunta. What did the pandemic mean for people with mental illness?

Respuesta. The most important phenomenon is social Islam, which is a factor that can aggravate problems and provoke compensation. In the first place, it appears that there is no increase in the number of estates, but from the second year onwards, we have seen that this Islam has provoked more serious acts.

P. What happened, specifically, to the minor patients?

R. In the first phase of the pandemic, there is a reduction in the number of serious consultations, but with the change in the school has a change: the chickens are exposed to the normal stressful situations of becoming a class, rendering in the studios and approving, without no compensation element. Geen hooi ocio, social relations are reduced to a minimum of expression and no hooi un válvula de ontnapping. There are encroachments in house and in house can have situations of tension known pork hay hogares that are living a brutal economic debacle. All in all, the balance of tension and balance is due to the compensation and the stress. We observed a very high increment of suicide attempts in adolescents, from the age of 14 years. As of this year, suicide attempts in Catalonia have been increased by 65%. And in adults, in exchange, has a reduction of 13%.

P. Is it solely due to the pandemic or does it have more elements to influence?

R. Quizas hay that appeal to fathers and educators and that are alert to the alarm signals that come from the nines: hay cambios of conduct, the aggressive disruptive and the vicious, Islamic. The communication of the family can be monitored: if there are changes, if you can talk and listen because you can see a manifestation of frustration. Adolescents have attempts to respond to stressful situations that, even if they can be taken care of, as a discussion with friends, they live in dramatic form.

P. Have you ever had a mental illness diagnosed before?

R. Here too we have a change. Antes, adolescents who experience tentative mental retardation now have more frequent seizures, depression and compensatory disorders of severe patients, as well as patients with autism.

P. The Spanish Society of Psychiatry has also alerted the eye of the food industry (TCA).

R. The TCAs in chicas have increased exponential shape. Here are a number of factors: for a lad, the situation of stress that affects everyone in the world with TCA the most affected, with weight losses, bulimic conduct… On the other hand, the economic difficulties he provoked that many cases that antes is waiting for private services now more than the public domain.

P. What is the impact of the pandemic on adults?

R. Have an increment of cases the 20% of the trastornos of ansiedad and depression. The most serious patients, with psychotic or bipolar disorders, the pandemic and Islam have provoked an increase in stress and the inability to access formal and informal aids, such as the difficulty of dealing with their psychiatry; it is an important factor for when it comes to compensation, the patient accepts in emergencies as an ingress. What we are most compensating and some case with conduct violence or autolesivas. It is relevant that there is a greater risk of compensation and it is our duty to provide the most accessible and proactive services.

P. The psychiatric services he intended to sort out the accessibility issues with telematics visits. Do you have to invoice patients?

R. The telephone consultation can not establish a clinical visit because it does not grant a high degree of communication. If he consults, in exchange, with the video consultant. But, by phone, the attention is very poor.

P. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the population is experiencing a “poor pandemic” and that experts are alert to a large amount of mental health problems. What does the preoccupation mean?

R. Sí. Exactly, we intend to maintain accessibility to prevent compensation and that we will be disembarked now. It’s a perfect torment to increase the risk of suicide: it’s much as it may be that we live in the financial crisis, because then the people have a normal life. But now there is the Islamic situation, the difficulty of accessing services, the economic impact … Everything, in the most vulnerable patients, is a hecatombe. There are those who are preoccupied, alarmed and prepared because the impact on mental health can be trembling.
