Coronavirus: Cómo logró United States accelerates its massive evacuation campaign | Sociedad

In medical centers and hospitals, in pharmacies, in colleges and in baseball camps, at home Mondays and at guard parties, the United States evacuation campaign has accelerated to manage around three million diarrhea injections. Since launching in December, 101.8 million people (30% of the population) have received at least one dose and, of these, 58 million are completely evacuated. State the state of affairs that amplify the citizen of citizens who can opt for inoculation, reinforcing this sensation that, in the end, change the step in this long and painful crisis: New York commences with the trainers last week and it has with the mayors of 16 from this March; Texas has expanded its coverage to adult adults and the City Council has been holding it since April.

“I do not know any medical, virology or vacancy experts that hubiese can predict that, in a single year, we will have three effective vacancies and have tens of thousands of vacancies in the country. Es algo milagroso y surprendente ”, statement from Dr. Robert Wachter, the head of the Department of Medicine at the University of California.

The United States, which has broken down the virus content and relied on the figure of 550,000 bankruptcies, has witnessed a demonstration of scientific and economic power in the career of the vacancies. In the key of the -hoy por hoy— there are several and various factors that, from the multimillion-dollar injection of the federal government, which are involved in sharing risks with the pharmaceutical industry, have been allowed to intervene in the production of the factories that date from the Korean War, following by alliances against the nature of rival companies. Including some individual contributions tan made in the USA like the star of the country Dolly Parton y, dicho sea de paso, a guinda of “America, first” in commercial politics.

The lame Operasie Warp Speed ​​(which is called aloud in fantasy, tomad of science fiction, to travel to superior speeds in the light) has been, until the most critical experts with Donald Trump, an actor of the Administration Republican inside of a pandemic erratic management. Consists, basically, of borrowing more than 10,000 million dollars from a group of pharmaceutical companies to investigate and develop their vacancies, with enormous precautions to buy without any guarantee of efficacy. For Amesh Adalja, an expert on infected diseases in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “this is probably the factor that has marked the mayoral difference between the United States and many other countries, although the United Kingdom and Israel are rapidly recovering. El Gobierno seeguró dosage de una vacuna cuando aún no sabían si iban a funcionar y algunas no estan aún siquiera approve par la Agencia Estadounidense del Medicamento (FDA, en sus siglas en inglés) ”.

Vacation at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta (Georgia).
Vacation at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta (Georgia). Brynn Anderson / AP

In July, for example, the Executive announced the agreement to buy 100 million doses of the vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech for 1,950 million dollars, with the option to buy 500 million more. Modernity is what has received the mayor’s public funding. Promoted in collaboration with Gobierno investigators, we received 955 million dollars for its development and 1,500 million for the manufacture, distribution and delivery of 100 million doses. (It’s in this that Dolly Parton also pushes his grain of arena). At Johnson & Johnson, the Administration received a maximum of 450 million for development and 1,000 million for production and distribution, with a payment of 100 million including doses in this amount. ‘Astrazeneca in Oxford injects 1,200 million for research, production and preorder of 300 million doses. A Sanofi and GSK, 2,000 million. A Novavax, 1600 million. These are the last days to log in to your first vacancy in the market.

“Everyone has a scandal and the vacancies have not worked well, but he is well,” said Dr. Wachter.

A war of the Korean War

The first parties are made with the help of the Lion of Defense of Production, a standard that dates from the Korean War (1950) and that the President of the United States agreed to oblige the companies to accept and prioritize necessary contracts for the national defense. The pandemic took place in the Casa Blanca for invocation, first to accelerate the production of mascara and lie to secure materials for the production of the vacuum.

Aun asi, the first phase of distribution is developed with a deceptive length. The Trump administration has agreed to end 2020 with 20 million citizens and the figure will rise to two million and a half. Fracasó lo that the experts called “the ultimate millennium of vacancy”, it is said, the tram that va of the vacancy to the vacant person. “There is a lot of emphasis on the purchase, but there is no plan for the distribution to the States, neither the staff nor the financing necessary for administration,” said Professor Adalja, Johns Hopkins.

With the new Democratic Administration, inaugurated January 20, United States will accelerate. On the one hand, it repairs the aid to the States and multiplies the federal evacuation centers and apostles through the proximity pharmacy network; on the other hand, the system of the system and the authorities have learned to do better through the first months. In the wake of the move to Casa Blanca, Moderna announced that it would raise 200 million in the final dose of Mayo, one month before the event.

Además, the Biden team also decided decisively. Echo mano de nuevo de la Ley de Defensa de la Production to facilitate that Pfizer obtuviese the machinery needed to expand its plant of Kalamazoo (Michigan) and presided over a J&J supplier to work against relays and recover the accumulation that accumulates atasco in the packaging part of the product. He pointed out, in addition, a simple alliance between this company and its competitors, Merck, in order for the second to help manufacture the first-class vacuum. According to Merck, Gobierno will raise 269 million dollars to adapt its facilities.

100 million doses

President Biden defines this agreement among competitors as “the type of collaboration we see in the Second World War. The 100 million doses that are promised out of its 100 first days in the White House, a calculated calculation prudent, read the brazos of the stadiums have week and probably number 100 days of mandate consigning the double of the promised, 200 million of dose . If you can vacate for all of May’s finals and that the 4th of July is more than the commemoration of the Day of Independence of the United States, the compliments of this country: hope to celebrate the independence of the virus.

In this scenario of optimism, create the pressure for Washington to help with problems of the summit. United States administers the vacancies of Pfizer, Modern and J&J, although there are millions of AstraZeneca doses that have not been approved by the FDA. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the Institute of Allergology and Infectious Diseases and Reference Assessor for Trump and Biden, calculates that the United States should cover its need for recourse to AstraZeneca Units. Currently, the Gobierno exports 2.5 million of them to Mexico and 1.5 million to Canada, its companies and societies of the commercial agreement signed in the North Atlantic Treaty.

Biden has compromised to promote financial support to other companies, such as India Biological E, to manufacture more, in an agreement announced in the Quad room, a virtual meeting to address this issue in which EE UU, India, Japan and Australia participate .

The diploma of the vaccine has no idea, at the moment, much more so. “If we are superhero, we will share with the rest of the world,” Biden signaled last March. “We will first take care of what we can occupy the Americans, but then we will intend to help the rest of the world,” he added.

With the actual cruising speed, the announcement of the stadiums will take place in the 90% finals of July, even if the risks and challenges persist. “We find with 20% or 25% of the population withheld from the vacancy, we also have occasional failures in the system [como los 15 millones de dosis de J&J arruinados esta semana por un error humano] and we are administering the vacancy in bank schedules, when we are working on journals of 16 and 18 hours. This is a career against viruses and their variants, ”said Gregory Poland, Director of the Vaccine Research Group of the Vaccine Department of Vaccines May, as well as assessing various pharmaceutical companies. “The other problem,” he added, “is that each state has a different form. In its juicio, “the idea of ​​going step-by-step and group-by-group is attractively intellectual, but the necessity is more primary doses in the braces, better”.

The fatigue of this year of pandemic and restrictions is the ultimate pain. The vacancy is not rapidly advancing as the gains of normalcy and contagion have subsided — a rhythm of 65,000 cases over the past week—, near the peak of the past, many states have been reluctant to relinquish restrictions.
