Coronavirus: Brazilian hospitals distribute chloroquine in “preventive treatment kits” against covid-19 | Sociedad

Prevent Senior Treatment Kit, which includes hydroxychloroquina and vitamin D.
Prevent Senior Treatment Kit, which includes hydroxychloroquina and vitamin D.REPRODUCTION / PERSONAL ARCHIVE / personal archive

Important that President Jair Bolsonaro was criticized by the Scientific Community for publishing the chloroquine, without any effective approval of the covid-19 treatment. Hospitals, public and private, on the brink of collapse, have been receiving medicines that have no scientific response to treat the disease. Included in the so-called “preventive treatment kit” which, in addition to chloroquina, ivermectin, is a drug originally used to combat lice. This indication was produced in different regions of the country including for women who did not give positive results in the test of covid-19. La orden es primero medicar y luego hacer el diagnostóstico.

Last February, a diabetic patient living in Fortaleza (in the north of Brazil), was admitted to a private hospital with gargantuan fever, preoccupied with possible coronavirus contact. Receive a cyst with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and prednisone, a drug that is not recommended for people with diabetes because it increases blood glucose levels. The patient, who prefers not to be identified, says that the drugs are distributed to all those who are admitted with respiratory symptoms to the clinic. Do not take the medication, but after that the test is performed according to the health plan and the result is negative.

The distribution of drugs of proven infection against covid-19 was adopted by different health plans throughout the year. In Mayo, a reporter from EL PAÍS showed that Unimed Fortaleza wrote 30,000 kits with chlorine and more than 300,000 customers. In December, Lia Moura, Unimed’s dentist and member of Ceará’s capital, was looking for a Red Cross hospital to work in a health center. “The doctor followed me with the kit, with azithromycin and ivermectin. Includes a corticosteroid recipe for empeoraba ”, dobbeltsteen. Solo was sometime in the covid-19 rehearsal. The result was negative, but made sure that the drugs were not even infected.

Another patient, who has not been identified, specifies the list of medications he received from the private plan, in February 2021, he announced that he had ten: 10 units of prednisone, three ivermectin, five azithromicin, 10 of colchicine, also of Hydroxychloroquina and Vitamin D. It is also known that it received, through the mobile phone, an “informed consent form on the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in patients with suspected covid-19 confirmation” which must be signed beforehand.

“This shared decision is ridiculous, because the patient company prescribes what the doctor prescribes, and can not judge the scientific evidence that it detracts,” said Ana Paula Herrmann, Professor of Pharmacology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). . “Applies to questions about what the doctor is not sure about, about what needs to be done to ensure the patient’s style. In this case, there is the certainty of the infirmity of these treatments ”, added.

Herrmann details other secondary effects of the drugs dispensed. “The use of antibiotics, such as azithromycin, can provoke serious consequences in large amounts,” he explained. According to it, the indiscriminate use can acavar selecting the most resistant bacteria of the organism, creating super bacteria that are not easily treatable. “And the predisposition is a corticoid recommended only for mechanical ventilation cases. If you apply antes, you can empeorar ”. Without embarrassment, the pharmacologist signals that habitual medicine with secondary effects is habitual when the benefits are superior to the adverse effects. ‘The problem, in this case, is that there is no benefit. If the only thing that matters is the adverse effects, including what we can predict, ”he concluded.

Ineffective compounding

By 2020, studies will be conducted throughout the world that will reduce the efficacy of some of the drugs prescribed to combat covid-19. In September, examine the Brazilians published in the scientific magazine The Lancet a study conducted with 400 patients hospitalized by coronavirus who did not present changes in his clinical condition through treatment with azithromycin. The ivermectin vermifuge, also adopted in the kit, appears as an aggravating agent of the infection when applied immediately in a study conducted by Fiocruz and by the Federal University of Amazonas in Manaos, revealed in February.

Chloroquina and hydroxychloroquina are acidic, thanks to the federal government, as are the major exponents of drug addicts against covid-19. Since the 21st of March of this year, President Jair Bolsonaro has been recommending medication to the population, exaltandola in the social and colloquial speeches as responsible for his cure when he was infected. The Ministry of Health, since the mandate of General Eduardo Pazuello, and in May 2020, adopts direct rights for the use of chloroquina. The Ministry went on to solicit “the amplification of this treatment [precoz], considering that it integrates the Ministry’s strategy to reduce the number of cases requiring hospitalization ”. Through the criticisms, the Minister of Justice, that the proxies will take his cargo, if only the treatment with the medicine will be suggested.

This is the federal government’s recourse, which is also to publish the chloroquine as it is in the first months of the pandemic, as well as in the context of the position of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the manufacturers of these and other medicines. The Solidarity study, concluded by the OMS in October, followed the evolution of the disease in 11,200 people in 32 countries and did not detect effects of treatment with chlorine in hospitalization or mortality between volunteers. Apsen, the mayoral producer of medicine in Brazil, no indication of the use and control of contra la covid-19. Asimismo, MSD’s pharmaceutical company in charge of ivermectin production, ensures that the medicine is not effective for this disease.

“The political question explains [el hecho de que las redes privadas aún sigan distribuyendo el kit con los medicamentos], pero también está el sociológico lad, de querer ofrecer algo cuando no hay nada que hacer. Do not do anything because of an equivocal activity, but it is ideal for failure, ”said Ana Paula Herrmann, a professor of pharmacology. “It is lamentable that we are talking about this. We have one year including some incidents, but now we know that this treatment does not have the minimum probability of treating anything, ”he explains.

Contacted by this diary The private speeches Unimed Fortaleza, Prevent Senior and Hapvida defend the internal protocol for the distribution of preventive treatment kits to their clients. The private plan states that “respects the autonomy of medicines in the prescription of medicines, and that those who deben value the need to use this remedy for the treatment of illness”. Voorkom Senior, for its part, calls the “essential” “initial patient reception” that, like them, includes medications, exams and tomographs. Ultimately, Hapvida says that the meeting of its 4,000 medics using the hydroxychloroquina “as well as following the dynamic protocols, developed by an international medical committee that supports the clinical evidence and the criteria of the Federal Council Medicine ”, without more details. The company adds that “there are no registered hospitalization derivatives of any secondary effect on the use of the drug.”

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