Coronavirus: Biden Reactivates North American Travel Restrictions

Joe Biden wants to take the initiative to fight the pandemic Source: AFP

WASHINGTON (Reuters) .- The President of the United States, Joe Biden, imposes an entry ban on travelers to North American proceedings in South Africa, with a view to containing the transmission of the new variant of Covid-19, will open public health officials. El Lunes, Biden also reactivated the ban on aggression in all cases of non-North American travelers who have recently been in Brazil, Great Britain, Ireland and 26 other European nations, jijeron las fuentes, que pidieron ne ser identique des pores planes aún no han sido revelados.

President Donald Trump ordered on January 18 that restrictions on travel between Brazil and Europe would be lifted as of March, but Biden’s new governor will return this resolution.

Biden, which assumes the power of the markets, is adopting an aggressive approach to combating viral propaganda from the aerospace industry, even though Trump reiterates the recommendations of state health agencies.

Some health authorities are concerned that the current vacancies will not be effective against the South African variant of Covid-19, which generates more severe infections and rebates in the United States.

The South African variant, also known as 501Y.V2, is 50% more infected and has been detected in at least 20 countries. CDC officials said they were in favor of adding more roads to travel bans if necessary.

The South African variant has not been found in the United States for at least 20 years and has discovered the British version called B.1.1.7. The latest vacancies will be effective against the United Kingdom mutation.

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