Coronavirus: 80 Hours of Vacation Time | Sociedad

A former mayor's residence of Domusvi de Leganés, in Madrid, received a dose of the vacona en principios de enero.
A former mayor’s residence of Domusvi de Leganés, in Madrid, received a dose of vacuana in the principles of January.Olmo Calvo

The evacuation plan is one, according to its rhythms and the strategy for implementing it in each community. At least we started this week with the 80-year-old mayor’s immunization, while the next days with the groups that preceded and todavía perfilan the strategy to pinch the seniors. Also varies the forms: Andalusia and Murcia are equipped with large facilities for these vacancies even the general norm is, for the time being, to continue with visits to homes and health centers.

The ones he started with the mighty pinchas in the morning are the same week as Andalusia, Aragon, Murcia, Canarias, Cantabria, Catalonia and the Valencian Community, simultaneously with the group of large dependents, which was the last of the first phase. Galicia and Castilla-La Mancha prevent it from coming. The rest has not been finalized, but it will be between the finals of this month and the principles of March. To them correspond the ARN message vacancies: the Pfizer and Moderna. And all this is in parallel with the other vacancy that has been arranged: one of the essential workers of less than 55 with the vultures of AstraZeneca.

Health repeats that the rhythm is adequate to consume the ammunition of 80% of the mayors of 80 years until the finals of March. The communities are not required to make prognostic. The co-owner of the covid group in Murcia has said this month in a press row that he was unable to cope with the 80-year-old vacancy in the region until mid-month and “as little as possible” las primeras en comenzar. In the Vasco Country, there are no deadlines for immunizing the septuagenarius, the next group, before June. On the criterion of who to employ, some communities, such as the Valencian, opted for the older ones, the ones above 90. Galicia has these appeals: while a sort is determined by those who start with the letter H will be the first .

Spain will receive my four million vacancies. At the moment, the sanitary authorities, like the experts, insure that the embedding is in the number of doses received. Here is the final of my communities disposing of more than one semanal million, a figure that does not have an increase of 2.1 million around the rate that will be needed in the second quarter to increase the target of vacancy to 70% of the population of which term the verb. Hasta ahora, except in las primeras semanas, las doses se han ido administrando según iban llegando. At the end of each week, the autonomous lives are increased by more than 90% of the doses received. This new rhythm of llegada will serve to improve if you can increase the speed with the resources that hay.

Murcia and Andalusia have opted to apply massive evacuation plans to major infrastructure, such as holiday portals and holiday rentals, as have both Madrid and Catalonia. Fernando Simón, spokesman for Sanitation in the event of a pandemic, has made sure that this day is not necessary because he has enough vacancies and that in the future the national health care system will be able to recover from this type of solution. Trade unions and professional colleges consulted val saam in which high for high did not have this statement. However, as signaled by Manuela Romero, Vice-President of the Council of Medical Colleges (CGCOM), “a good deal can be done to increase the machinery” in April. However, when it is assumed that a massive dose dose (the exact number is not clear, but if it is multiplied by the ones that are received) this type of recent can be the solution, given the differences between different sectors of the sector.

“It has dedicated areas for permanent evacuation and when reunited adequate conditions can be a solution, because we avoid being infected with people who have been vaccinated and can be discharged from health centers,” said Maria José García. But as insists as it is on other consultants, when this time becomes necessary it will also require staff to not delay the routine consultations. También, as well as Vicente Martín, of the Spanish Society of Primary Adenic Medicine, said that it is worth noting that the latter has ventilation and sufficient equipment, as well as rehabilitation zones in case of need. “Through each pinchaz the people have to observe 15 or 20 minutes for the animal to react”, explains.

Another question is that this type of solution can only be unique. Dependence of territory and population. Miriam Alía, in charge of the evacuation of doctors in Fronteras in Spain, states that in many groups it is not enough to use large infrastructures and certainly its most adequate health centers, as is the case with flu vaccinations. “If there are many vacancies and there are pincharlas that many people in a while can feel, but in general they have to procure the most receptive thing that can be”, assures.

When the dose number is enough to get rid of the embedding and there are more than that you can start the massive evacuation. This will not take place until April. Entonces harta falta formar cadenas de pinchazos. According to Alía, a team can train eight people, among whom are the register, those who carry vacancies and those who are pinchan. It is considered that there is a person who has a single function see-inocular dose. At this rate, MSF teams have the capacity to make more than a few pinchits in their time. But with the media of the covid and the peculiarity of his vacancies is down to one 200, says Diego Ayuso, of the General Council of Nursing. Llegado este momento también hara falta más personal. Garcia, of Satse, records that there are 2,500 nurses in paro. All of these, in any case, tend to be connected to the primary care centers.

With information from B. Coll, I. Valdés, L. Bohórquez, G. Vega, L. Tolosa, S. Nortes, F. Bono, J. Navarro, P. Gorospe, C. Bermeo and E. Saiz.
