Corinthians descarta gignac fichar por su alto salari y edad

Mexico City /

André-Pierre Gignac sacudió a la fanaticada del Corinthians with a tote that used to celebrate the victory of Tigs in the World Cup of clubs ante Palmeiras, although the great illusion that generated debió appears the club directive to apaciguar los animos.

If the university lad is confident that lograrán extender the labor relation with the French who signed their contract in June, at the moment they are in this situation, which initiates one of the speculations in Brazil, donate to the followers of Timothy play with the incorporation of the French, algo que no podrá ser.

Agreed with José Colagrossi, superintendent of marketing of the Paulista team, the oath of Gignac (35 years) added to his high salary perceptions is a set of themes that impide thinking in its services.

‘Algo en torno a los 4 million gross monthly reals (approximately 558 mil 659 dollars) for a large 35-year-old player with a calendar in which tenders for parties on weekdays. Además, ¿how will our stars shine in the squadron to the left of a parakeet and much more than they? “, wrote the directive on Twitter.”

What did Gignac write?

Conocedor of the rivalry of Palmeiras with the Timão the delantero of Tigers write “we Tigers, we Corinthians“, that desató multiple comments; questioned with respect, Juninho signaled that the ariete sabía que generaría polemic, but I do not have a relationship with a possible negotiator.
