Corea del Sur en EEUU realizarán militares jericas de primavera esta semana

Moon Jae-in, President of Corea del Sur, and Joe Biden, President of EEUU.
Moon Jae-in, President of Corea del Sur, and Joe Biden, President of EEUU.

Corea del Sur y EEUU. celebrates this week his military maneuvers conjugate to primavera on a very reduced scale due to the pandemic, informed the State Mayor Conjunct (JCS) surcoreano.

The macaroons were arranged monthly, March 8, and were extended for only 9 days, the JCS explained in a communication.

The owner, known as CPX, and which is mainly based on a computer simulator, does not include any type of maneuver in the air, while the number of tropes and equipment involved will be “minimized” during the pandemic. text.

Despite the reduced scale, there are doubts about the possible response that there will be North Korea, which considers these properties as an attempt to invade its territory.

The dialogue on denuclearization with Pionyang has been ongoing since the February 2019 Hanoi summit, in that Washington is seeking sanctions for failing to consider the regime’s offer of disarmament.

The Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un
The Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un

Through the Trump administration’s phrase to resolve the conflict, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has just joined Joe Biden’s new governor to propose new alternatives to resume the key anti-nuclear dialogue in Piony.

Some experts argue that the North Korean regime approves joint ventures in the peninsula to resume launching long-range missiles or nuclear tests.

Interviewer, President Joe Biden, celebrates the adoption of his economic plan to tackle the pandemic.

“I can only say that he gave us a giant step to complete the promise that he will have to the stadium members who are lying to the power 45 days ago, since the help was on the truck”, says Biden in a discourse from the Casa Blanca, however, that the Senate approves the package.

‘We calculate that this plan will result in the creation of 6 million jobs, increase our GDP by a trillion dollars and pound our country to win the rest of the world competition, because the rest of the world is moving, China in particular ”, añadió.

The rescate package included new $ 1,400 direct payments to contributors that lower inferences to $ 80,000 annually, in addition to assistance for the example and foundations for local and state Governors, vacancies and school repertoire.

“85% of state attorneys receive $ 1,400 direct payments per person,” Biden said, adding that the plan would allow it to “record infant poverty in the country.” “It’s our plan to put the virus on the truck and give it to the families who need it the most,” he recalled.

(With EFE information)


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