Copa Libertadores 2021: Independiente del Valle y U. Católica ya tienen rivales; Barcelona SC and Quito League without having to hope | International Football | Deport

Asuncion –

The Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Conmebol) decided to celebrate the crosses for phases 1 and 2 of the Copa Libertadores, which will take place on the 17th of February, as determined by the fours during a virtual celebrity in the city of Luque, donde finds the seat of the Conmebol.

The Ecuadorian teams U. Católica e Independiente del Valle debuted in Phases 1 and 2, in this order, in the competition. Barcelona SC (national champions) and Liga de Quito (sub-champions) will be in the Group stage.

In the first phase participant six teams of Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia, according to the ranking of the Conmenbol, and will decide on the match between the 17th and 24th of February. U. Católica will shock the team that will finish in the quarterfinals of the Charrúa tournament in the first stage.

The three winners of Phase 1 will unite in the second phase to the other 13 classified teams of Brazil, Colombia, Chile and a team of the remaining member associations.

This is the second stage will play between March 3 and 10. The Independent of the Valley is aided by the team that is located in the second place of the Chilean champion.

Los ocho clubs classifieds entered in Phase 3, scheduled for March 17 to April 14. Travels of other sorts, presented on April 16, define the crosses for this round with the denomination of G1, G2, G3 and G4, and also for the group stage.

On the other hand, the quarterbacks of the Phase are classified as the South American group stage.

The group stage

This stage, which debuted the national champion Barcelona SC and the vice-champion League of Quito, will take place on April 21st.

Phase 1:

Uruguay 4 teen Catholic University (ECU)

Universidad César Vallejo (PER) vs. Caracas (VEN)

Royal Pari (BOL) vs. Guarani (PAR)

Phase 2:

E1 Teen Libertad (PAR)

Brazil 7 vs. Ayacucho (PER)

Uruguay 3 vs. Bolívar (BOL)

Chile 3 teen San Lorenzo (ARG)

Brazil 8 vs. Deportivo Lara (VEN)

E2 vs. Junior (COL)

Chile 4 vs. Independiente del Valle (ECU)

E3 vs. Atlético Nacional (COL)
