Controversy over Trump’s Twitter expulsion

A controversy has erupted in the United States over Twitter’s decision to permanently cancel President Donald Trump’s accusation of “more incitement to violence” over the lethal insurrection in the Federal Capitol

Shannon McGregor, associate professor of periodism and communication media at the University of Carolina of the North, said that the media allowed Twitter to do well with Biden’s governor. Trump said “only the week before the election and that he will certainly retire to the presidency of the platform”, he said.

If Trump can migrate to another alternative platform on Twitter, such as Parler or Gab, he will limit himself in the midst of his influence, says McGregor. Trump has always advocated legitimacy and position in the mainstream media, outperforming the traditional work of the periodicals, which he referred to long ago as “false notices.” Will not follow this in other platforms, the professor said.

Others will have a more sinister message on Twitter. “The greats of technology are not going to be detained with the president of the United States,” said Kay James, president of the group preserving The Heritage Foundation. “Te pueden forbid a ti ya todos los que lean esto”.

Jonathan Greenblatt, who conquers the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has announced that he will fire Trump on Twitter for an “excellent pass” and a final for an audio and critical legacy maliciosas ”. The ADL is part of a coalition of defense and civil rights groups that the four will take to Twitter to cancel Trump’s account.

Twitter, accusing it of taking a long time to run for president with tibiaza, began to monitor Trump’s actions in a more energetic way than the first days of the presidential campaign, when the company commenced to actively label its false allegations of sup electoral fraud generalized, asserting that eran dudosos. A permanent real suspension has been unimaginable, but at least it has lost its candidacy for re-election.

From time to time on Twitter, Trump’s hobbies and other world leaders have exceptions to his standards, the most probable personal attacks, the audio discourse and other behaviors, per in a blog post posted on his blog, the company Recent reports from Trump have highlighted a glorification of the violence that took place in the context of the Capitol’s disturbances and plans circulating online for future armed protests against President Joe Biden’s adjudication.

The social network has been under heavy pressure since it raised more energy against Trump over the high school violence violations. The Jueves, Facebook suspended Trump’s account on January 20 and possibly indefinitely. According to a Twitter principle, the mandate was suspended for 12 hours when a video was published in which false accusations were made about electoral and fraudulent fraud involving agitators in Congress.

Trump’s Twitter account works like a series of political announcements, with unspecified frequency; quejas about the media of communication; menosprecio of the women, the minors and those who consider their own; and compliments to his partisans, replicas of admiration signs, words written entirely in letters and declarations of a single word like “¡Sad!”.

The mandate has used Twitter to announce the loss of staff numbers. On the other hand, even if their speeches are false, there will be a false information torrent.

Casa Blanca did not respond to a request for comment. Twitter has no access to its Director-General Jack Dorsey and no more details.

The official account of the President of the United States, @POTUS, continues to be active. Hecho, Trump, who posted a comment on the night before the accusation on Twitter that he was committed to freedom of expression and planted the idea that he could unleash his own “platform”, also posted it on the @POTUS account , de donde fue borrado rafidamente.

Twitter says it will use another account to avoid a suspension in violation of its standards and that, although it will not prohibit gubernamencomo @POTUS or @WhiteHouse accounts, “tomará medidas par limita su uso”.

In Trump’s Twitter quotes, the mandate announces that it will not assist in the judiciary and reverts to its parties such as “stadium patriots”, claiming to be “a giant for a long time in the future”. Twitter says that these statements “are likely to inspire others to reproduce acts of violence that will occur on January 6, 2021, and have multiple indications that they are being received and understood as an excuse to do so.”

Twitter says that its politicians allow the world leaders to direct to the public, but they say that these statements “are not entirely about our standards” and can not use the social network to incite violence. Trump has approximately 89 million followers.

Twitter shares are rising nearly 4% in recent bursal-style transactions, reflecting the times when the suspension of Trump’s powder powder was influencing a reduction in the use of the social network and its advertising sales.
