Controversy over the Madrilean derby by a superstitious man within the area

The arbitrator decided that Felipe did not search the balloon with the man and decided not to mark

At minute 42, a center of Tony Kroos pego in the mano of central Felipe, inside the area. The players of Real Madrid announces a penalty and the arbitrator decides that the contact with the man of the judge of Atlético de Madrid ao ameritaba punishment.

Felipe discusses the sphere with man, without intention, and mediated el VAR llamó a Hernández Hernández, el silbante, decidió que no era penal, which immediately provoked controversy in social media.

Hernandez Hernandez, says the collaborator of ESPN Master Chip, in his career he participated in 11 occasions at VAR and Felipe’s mano was the first to oppose the Video Arbitration, which suggested criminal penalties in favor of the merengues.

“Hernández Hernández has reviewed the VAR agency on 11 occasions (10 in the League and 1 in the Copa) since using the video arbitration in Spain. This is the PRIMARY VEZ in that it maintains its initial decision and contradicts the VAR ”, published the data analyst.

The decision was made that the Atletico Madrid would take the 1-0 lead at the break, and that the game took place three minutes before the final time. In addition, Zidane’s team can add.

The controversy in social media exploded, debido a que desde hace días ha quedado poco clari la criteria criteria par marka una mano dentro area.

The advertisements of Real Madrid’s players accompany the silhouette until the break, it is said that in the middle of time various players will take action to announce their decision, which will avoid a penalty in favor of the visiting team.
