Controversy: Freddy Rincón opines that James Rodríguez is not ‘cracking’, the missing things | Colombia selection

The ego, trample eterna para for the talented. So far, so many things have happened, James Rodríguez and Freddy Rincón.

The figures from the Colombian national team are controversial, a month ago, when James spoke, interviewing influencer Daniel Habib, who was the best Colombian player in history. It is at this time that the response is clear and now that the debate has taken place it will launch a new interview with the extreme historian.

“Here in Colombia there is a controversy between James and a lot of things, but I’m very clear in my concepts and, as the Brazilians say, ‘I did not like the wall’ to say the things. a very good player, but lacks the most victimization and a series of things to call ‘crack’.

Referring to this interview with Habbif, the historian was demolished: “I have nothing to talk about with him, because, first of all, I do not know him and I do not love him. He has his concepts of a form … Because he called to an influencer in order to hiccup an interviewer, that to me he appears algo ‘sin pies ni cabeza’, pero bueno, cada uno hace de su vido lo que quiere. Y le hicieron una pregunta de quien era el mejor de Colombia de to all the times, and he said that he was. Hasta ahí the ego of each one, he respects and has nothing to say that he respects, each one knows what he is, if he is the greatest player of Colombia of all tiempos, se le respeta “.

And siguió: “después, eso fue lo que me dio a pensar que era una entrevista direccionada a dejarme a mi por debajo y no unan interviewen, esta persona llega y le dice -¿y Freddy Rincón? -. Y él dobbeltsteen – nee , Freddy Rincón is due to all our nosotros-. The concept was a bit slow, entones me to read and ask you; – Nee, dejen a James, que no sabe en dónde parado-. Eso fue lo que yo dije, no dije más nada. Ahí se formó la polemica, porke como aquí James se ha vuelto incable, nadie puede hablar de James porque todo el mundo ‘se viene encima’. Pero como yo no soy todo el mundo, mi concepto es muy claro “, detail.

But then, is Rincón or James better? “Here is the case of the person, who is the creator and the ego, a series of things that each has a way of doing. I am just going to say that I am the best player in the history of Colombian football because I have many good players, by what we have are not the ones we have to say we are the best or no.
They are the influencers and the periodicals, who can keep their concept and create the controversy and not us, because we are the people who enter the can to do our work of the most possible way. “Ya les dejamos a ustedes que juzguen el resto”, aseguró.
