CONTRECTED-Fact Check-Gallup says Biden’s approval rating is 54%, not 11%

Reuters fact check

Reuters fact check

Add paragraph five to explain that the Daily Caller did not report that Biden’s approval was at 11%

Critics of Democrat President Joe Biden claim his approval rating is 11%, citing the respected Gallup poll group, which the Conservative Daily Caller allegedly quoted. This is false. In Gallup’s latest poll, conducted in mid-March, Biden’s approval rating was 54%, a slight drop of 57% when he was inaugurated in January.

The poll is visible here.

Examples of the post, with an apparent screenshot of a Twitter post, are here, here, here

The reports could be a misinterpretation of a Daily Caller article (here) that says 11% of Americans are satisfied with the direction the country is heading in January, based on a Gallup poll (here). However, Gallup and the Daily Caller did not say that Biden’s approval rating was at 11%.

One version of the photo shared on Facebook is accompanied by the simple statement “Duh.”

In the inclusion of Republicans only during Inauguration Day, Gallup found an approval rating of 11% for Biden. This is a very different measure than the national approval rating. It only looks at one of the two political parties in the country and measures the opinion of people who probably voted for Biden’s opponent in the November election, former President Donald Trump, a Republican.

But is this the lowest approval rating of a US president ever among the opposition party? Gallup’s own data indicates no. According to the same Gallup poll here, only 8% of Republicans currently approve of Biden’s work, compared to 94% of members of Biden’s Democratic Party. 11% is therefore not a record low. Trump’s approval rating with Democrats over his four years in office dropped to as low as 2%, according to Gallup (here) and never rose above 14%.

No other recent poll has placed Biden’s national approval rating below 47%. A Quinnipiac University poll conducted in February also found that only 11% of Republicans approve of Biden’s work, barely three months into his term, but 49% of Americans agree well with his work. performed, as shown here.

The data site FiveThirtyEight, a division of Nielsen Research, averages the presidential poll and compares Biden to former White House residents, and goes back to former President Harry S. Truman, also a Democrat . As the graphs here show, Trump and his fellow Republican Gerald Ford had a lower polling average at this time than Biden, with Democrat Bill Clinton performing slightly better than Biden.


Untrue. Biden’s approval is not 11% in the Gallup poll or any other poll.

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