Contradictions between PRSC deputies regarding manifestation of 30% of pension funds

Speaking of the vote of the Christian Socialist Reform Party (PRSC) states that the next February 27th, Pedro Botello, will not be a leader in the march demanding the release of 30 per cent of pension funds, if there is one. hecho consumado ”.

The PRSC lines up with Botello in respect of the celebration of a demonstration announced by the National Independence Day, but the deputies said that they could be detained and that the convocation should be dismissed.

“I’m not the duo of the convocation of the demonstration, it’s a decision that tomaron all the coordinators of the collectives of the lucha for the 30th century. I had to make a planting material in order to reconsider, but I could not wait to see if there was a demonstration pretending to be the 27 ”, Botello commented.

However, in addition to the statements made by Botello, the PRSC’s spokesperson in the Cámar Baja, Máximo Castro, stated that he had decided to suspend any demonstration on 27 February.

“I’m not going to succeed, Botello will not be. No word on this day. “We, the bloc and the party, we are reuniting with Botello and will not protest on February 27,” Castro said.

But Botello only said that the march was going to be a revelation that would not assist the National Assembly in the traditional rendition of accounts.

“I was and still am my apologies, because I was not in the assembly hall, in front of the Congress with the protesters,” Botello indicated.

At the same time, if the only way to detain the march, is if the President of the Republic meets with the workers.

“We have planted the only one that will hold its march so that the president will meet with the workers before him.” He has received everything, but to the workers, ”he said.
