Contracted and repaired, Raúl de Molina can publicly reveal to Frida Sofia!

A very appealing Raul de Molina acceptó hoy frente a toda su audiencia el pesar que sentía haber hablado mal en el pasado de Frida Sofia, now that she has confessed to the tragedy she experienced from the time she reached the age of puberty with her family, she has been accused of receiving sexual abuse from her partner, Enrique Guzmán, and friends of his mother, Alejandra Guzmán.

“Frida Sofía criticized me for being in this program because when she was talking about it. Alejandra Guzmán, yo dije, oye, porqué esperaste hasta los 27 o 28 años a salir decir esto, creo que lo estas haciendo por publicity. I’ve been saying that now, last week, I’ve been penalized with this young man … I’ve been traumatized by this for a long time and I believe that at no moment did he say that he did not know anything about it, Lili…. “, Dijo visibly opposed el gordo Molina to your companion Lili Estefan, and clearly exhibits his posture of coming to be respected after the first declarations of the nieta of Enrique Guzmán.

“Me da pena con ella y lo digo aquí”, admitió con franqueza, “sé que esta nina ha sufrido muchísimo en toda su vida”. También comment came as public opinion was mixed between what is and is not a Frida Sofia: “I do not believe that this chic hubiera dicho esto, si ella no ha pasado por algo asi en su vidde que es muy pequeña. No estoy diciendo que haia pasado con su abuelo o qué, porque ahí no me voy a meter, eso es entre she and her family, because she believed that she had no help, she believed that she had a reason and that she would lose weight at some point if she showed up against her “.

IG Frida Sofía – IG Raúl de Molina


Quiso also states that he has his opinion of the form totally disinterested: “I am not the cousin, I am not her friend, he has seen the three times, he has not been interviewed, I am not looking for an interview with her, you are not importing me from the interview or to me the day, I’m interested in everything so. I’m telling you what I think, because I’ve been able to observe it for the last few days.

“Yes, I’m sorry I despise them veintipico de años, quizá porque no le daba dinero, hablara mal de su madre, pero despude de todo esto “, recapacitó,” pónganse a pensar, por qué esta nina va a decir esto por gusto, ella no necesita hablar de esto por publicadad, no need to talk about this problem, it’s something else … “

Mezcalent Raúl de Molina

Frida Sofia I am very happy and eager to listen to the discourse of this great television character, I would like to hear from Latin television, in favor of his favor and written in the various speeches of the program: “God bless me” and I would like to thank you Raúl for its words, it is in capital letters, “de verdad, GRACIAS”.
