Contra Costa County plans to administer 1 million COVID-19 vaccines by July 4 :: Press Releases :: Contra Costa Health Services

Friday 22 January 2021

Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS), which reflects the nationwide commitment to protect all Contra Costa residents against COVID-19, today announced a new goal for the country and its health partners: delivering 1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine against the Independence Day.

“There is no higher priority in the contra province than delivering COVID-19 vaccine to as many residents as possible,” said Diane Burgis, chairwoman of the Contra Costa’s board of supervisors. “We believe this is a realistic goal, provided our vaccine supply increases.”

The province’s announcement follows a promise by new President Joe Biden to administer 100 million doses during the first 100 days of its administration.

“Together with our partners in the community, from large healthcare systems to independent doctor’s offices to supermarkets, we are building the infrastructure to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of residents of the country quickly and safely,” said Anna Roth, director of Contra Costa Health Services. said. (CCHS). “When doses arrive, they do not sit in freezers. They go directly to the public.”

During the first month that COVID-19 vaccine became available, Contra Costa gave no more than 5,800 doses per day, and the daily average continues to rise as community health providers offer more shots to patients and members, and as CCHS provinces open community immunization sites.

If the state can deliver enough vaccine, CCHS and our partners will soon be able to deliver up to 9,000 doses of vaccine daily. With expected contributions from other health systems in the community, Contra Costa would be able to reach its goal of million doses on July 4th.

This week, CCHS also unveiled its new vaccine appointment phone line – 1-833-VAX-COCO (1-833-829-2626). Those who are unable to make an appointment with the vaccine online can call us and make an appointment from Monday to Friday 8: 00-20: 00. Eligible are residents who are addressed to make appointments, are encouraged to use the online form unless they do not have access to the internet or struggle to access the online form.

Other local resources, including links to other community healthcare providers that now offer vaccines, are available at

CCHS also has a new data dashboard on its COVID-19 website,, which is updated daily for the province’s vaccination campaign. More than 65,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the country so far.

In addition to the first wave of vaccine recipients, which includes healthcare and emergency workers and people living or working in home care facilities, all residents aged 65 and over can now request an immunization appointment through CCHS.

Appointments with CCHS are not the first time. Every day, we prioritize appointments for people who fall into the largest risk categories, according to state and federal guidelines, especially people who are 75 years or older.

Appointments for other eligible residents may depend on various factors, including age, underlying health issues, how close they live to a vaccination site where an appointment is available, and whether they live in a neighborhood or community that is particularly affected by COVID -19 be affected. . Because vaccine is scarce, the reality is that it can take weeks before eligible residents get a vaccine.

As more private health systems serving Contra Costa increase the capacity to serve their members and patients, more provincial residents will hear from their own healthcare providers how and when they have access to COVID-19 vaccine.

Visit for local information on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Contra Costa vaccination campaign.

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