Consul Duval reveals that he will travel to the EU to evacuate against Covid-19; Defend a Pepillo Origel

Ante la polmica provoked by Pepillo Origel debited to travel to United States to evacuate against Covid-19, Consuelo Duval verlustig que ella haro lo mismo y respondi a las critique que han llovida en contra el periodista.

Although some celebrities have declared against it that hizo the periodical to obtain the antiquated vaccine, as Cepilln, hay otros que han decidido salir en su defensa para hablar sobre las crticas que ha recibido.

Some of the 73-year-olds’ periodicals were shared in their account of Instagram a video on how to secure access to Miami to receive the second dose, adems habl about the critics who have received in social speeches.

Photo: Instagram

In an interview with “Sale el Sol”, Consul Duval has the respect and lament the criticize who received Pepillo Origel by having vacated in the United States and said that, although he is not his friend, he could launch in his favor a form of acknowledging the miedo al Covid-19.

No soy amiga de Pepillo, pero tampoco me le ira a la yugular porque est buscando la forma que se quite el miedo de este bicho horroroso. Me doli, me duele mucho cuando veo tanto odio y mala onda en redes sociales, no me gusta, dijo.

Consuelo Duval reveals the secrets of Covid-19

The positive goddess a Covid-19 in September of the past, during this time the haber temido including by its wide debit to the sntomas that present at algn moment.

Ahora verlustig tener secuelas luego de unos mes haberse recovered, indicates that the subject of a second contact and, for that matter, has not described the possibility of traveling to United States to move the caravan.

Los huesos me duelen un poquito. The memory did not drop to 100, but the olfato and the taste also. The one who does not want to regress to me is the girl and I am sure that when I anticipate the antiquities I will regress, dijo Duval.

The comedian says he has the nationality americana and entones no tendra problems to travel to Estados Unidos y colocarse la vacuna, pero seal that for the moment esperar and that if not have the opportunity in Mxico entonces lo considerar.

With media information

