Considered cargo charges for invasion of Congress

Washington – Speaking of the eruption in the Federal Capitol, “all the options are on the table” to find the members of the president’s turbulent violin Donald Trump, including sedation charges, informed Michael Sherwin, the Federal District Attorney of the District of Columbia.

Sherwin says that the fiscal plan will present 15 federal cases the juveniles for delinquency as access without authorization and robbery of property. Significantly, investigators are reviewing evidence levels to present additional charges.

“All these loads are about the month … We will present the maximum of loads that we can”, he said.

More than 90 people are being arrested by Washington police and are likely to be present. The tax authorities in the long and long run of the nation have promised to meet any resident who has participated in the insurgency taken to obstruct the Pacific transition of power and bring justice.

The experts say that some people will find the cargo of sedative conspiracy theorem rarely used. It is the same burden that the Department of Justice, in its actions directed by Secretary William Barr, planted that was presented against those who promote violence in the protests that took place during the deaths of Afroestadounidenses and police.

The Justice Secretary of Justice, Jeffrey Rosen, who took over the mandate from the Department of Justice when Barr resigned last month, told the tax authorities in a memorandum issued in September that Deberian considered the use of a conspiracy conspiracy against manifesto that requires proof of a conspiracy to get rid of the governing body and that the number should be insinuated ”.
