Conoce to Vernica, the GUAPA hermana of Kate Del Castillo that casi nadie conoce: PHOTOS

Kate del Castillo has consolidated as one of the women’s ms reconocidas inside the world spectacle af Mxico, esto debido a sus icnicos papules inside the mouth of the actuation.

Breathtaking protagnicos as in La Reina del Sur, Kate del Castillo also conocida for its various polemics, especially in those that are relationship direct way with El Chapo Guzmn, one of the mayors narcotics which existed in Mexico.

Sondeverbod, la acclamada y bella actriz ha detached tambin por su belleza and talent, and is exactly what this profile is, that one of the hermanas by Kate del Castillo compare ms with the actress of what we think.

Kate Del Castillo, protagonist of “La Reina del Sur”. Photo: Special

She is Vernica Del Castillo

It is not the first time that it has been known that celebrities, on occasions, love to have hermanos less known, although the simpata, talent y belleza of his famous hermanos, and this is exactly the case of Vernica Del Castillo.

She was treated by the mayor of Germany Kate, with whom on various occasions she has seen together in some events inside the panel of the spectacle.

Vernica has a large number of followers in social speeches, pues and Instagram tiene 269 ​​mil followers, it is debit to what is a conference, periodista y writer.

Adems, the life of the reconocido actor Eric del Castillo, tambin ha destacado como on opmerklik actress; is a tallerista and therapist and has realized many times interviews and periodic investigations in Mexico and the EU for Television, Univisin y Azteca Amerika as como presenter and corresponding.

Vernica is a periodical and writer. Photo:

