Conmoción en Italia: Cementerio ubicado en un acantilado se derrumba y los ataúdes caen en el mar

The camper finds himself in the front yard of the Camogli district of Camogli, a few kilometers from Genoa, and is affected by a tirade of animals that has provoked the dog.

A part of a cemetery located in an acanthilado of the Italian region of Liguria (northeast) has caused a tirade of terriers, losing dozens of ferrets that acacia in the sea, confirmed the body of bombers.

Nobody has been involved with these people yet, according to the same source.

The camper finds himself in the front yard of the Camogli coastal town, a few kilometers from Genoa, and is affected by a tirade of tigers that has provoked the destruction of one of its areas with columbariums.

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This is the niche where hundreds of subway decades have passed since the roots of the orilla and numerous ants he planted in the lake.

A team of bombers has started work to secure the hull and retrieve the tubes, which must be identified.

The alarms were taken by the employees who were restoring some pantheons and assisted directly to the cement part, grabbing them with their mobile phones.

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The narrajadores narran en las grabaciones, difundidas por los medias locales, como el suelo empezó a vibrar y actu seguido ante sus propios ojos una del cementio empezó a agrietarse y acabó hundiéndose hasta la playa.

Camogli’s cement is one of the most prized places to live by the area where it is located, in the Italian “Riviera” tourist front of the sea.
