Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Sexually Agreed

New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed having sexually abused a video, in an emotional video on Monday, while confessing he had a conversation about his life during the January 6th Capitol.

The congresswoman of the state, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said during a live intervention on her Instagram account that she was considered a survivor of sexual aggression.

Ocasio-Cortez, apparently emotionally charged, revealed the success he had while dealing directly with the trauma that the production of Passage 6 will continue to unleash on the Capitol Stadium by groups of Donald Trump radicals.

“I am a survivor of sexual aggression. Y no le he dicho eso a mucha gente en mi vida ”, manifesto.

Accusing the Conservatives of opposing the resignation of former President Donald Trump of ignoring the violence that led to this attack, the symbol of the progressive Progressives’ comparison with “abusers”.

“We intend to make sure that we do not do anything else, that we lose the world or that we endure the extreme deaths, the loss of human lives, the trauma,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

“I’m a soreviviente of a sexual aggression and it has not been counted as a lot of money in my life”, the politician said, comparing to the parliamentarians that this “happens to be something else” for the aggressors.

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“As soreviviente, lucho con the idea of ​​what I create”, added without details or details of the aggression.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, known as the AOC, explained in the live video the girl who felt the pain during the attack on the Capitol and who had to leave. “I thought I would die”, aseguró.

The confession of the deputy, who counts with more than 350,000 views, was celebrated for his valence and honesty.

Deputy Katie Porter explained to MSNBC that she performed a pair of zapatillas during the attack when she “corrected to save her life”, to which AOC replied: “Only hope can be converted to motherhood. I hope not to die today ”.

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This week, Ocasio-Cortez told the Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who approves of his criticism of Robinhood’s bursa application.

“I am still anxious to work with Republicans on this issue, as they have points in common, but I have three weeks ago to conclude that I will be assigned, so that I can hope for results,” AOC said.
