Confirmation of COVID-19 variant in Puerto Rico

The first case in Puerto Rico of a COVID-19 variant has been confirmed and is underway for about 50 years since it was hospitalized.

Here’s what the governor Pedro Pierluisi and the secretary of Salud, Carlos Mellado, told Martes on Tuesday.

As indicated, the island is legally bound to the island in mid-March following the arrival of a European bird that is escalating in the United States. However, although it is located in an institution in the metropolitan area, it has not suffered any complications and has been responding to treatment.

Mellado points out that there is an analysis of the patient’s entourage and it is determined that there is no increase in “significant” cases between the two. However, individuals looking for the positive animal COVID-19 patient will hope for the result of specific analysis to determine if the same measure is taken.

The Secretary of Health says that the variant was signed as the B117, identified by the first party in the United Kingdom.

In other words, Pierluisi justifies the disparity between the numbers offered by the Centers for Prevention and Control of Diseases (CDC) and the Department of Health (DS) regarding the evacuation process in Iceland. The governor indicates that between the reasons for the difference in the numbers is found that the DS does not inform the vacancies that process other entities such as the Hospital of Veterans and Pharmacies.

Indicated that he had received 544,200 doses of the vaccine against coronavirus in the island, of which 399,711 were administered. Asimismo, between 90,000 and 94,000 doses of vacancies available in Puerto Rico at any given time.

The recommendation:
