Confirmaron in United States the first contagion of the new Brazilian coronavirus cepa

United States is the most affected country by the pandemic (REUTERS / Go Nakamura)
United States is the most affected country by the pandemic (REUTERS / Go Nakamura)

United States confirmed this month the first contact with the new Brazilian cephalopod virus. The case was reported in the state of Minnesota. The State Department of Health indicates that it is dealing with a resident who recently traveled to South American countries.

This person started to feel bad the first week of January, and January 9 was tested positive for the named variant P.1.

“I am not surprised. It’s very difficult, but at the same time it is not expected ”, manifested in an interview Michael T. Osterholm, Director of the Centers of Inquiry into Infectious Disease Policy of the University of Minnesota in Team Assessor’s Response to Coronavirus President Joe Biden’s, informs The Washington Post.

Authorities indicate that the person was abducted while continuing to investigate the case.

The new breweries in Brazil and South Africa have undergone special preoccupation with scientists contains mutations that can allow the virus to evade the effects of some antispyum, as the monoclonal anticoagulants developed as therapies for patients with covid-19.

The Brazilian variant of coronavirus is one of the three that has called for attention on the planet alongside the British and South Africans. This variant has its origins in Manaos, the Amazon capital of Brazil, and are considered highly contagious, then have ten genetic alterations similar to those found in the United Kingdom and South Africa.

Italia also announced this month on the first case of the Brazilian variant. This week, however, the Gobierno has suspended all of Brazil’s flights and banned women from crossing Latin American countries for the past 15 days. Germany, in this way, informs the first case of the new cepa the past four.

Modern Pharmaceuticals informs you about the conditions of its vaccine, one of those circulating in various countries, protecting against the British and South African variants, although there are no dates for Brazil.

In the United States, there is a travel ban on travel from Brazil to the pandemic, even if national nationals or permanent residents are exempt.

El ex presidente estadounidense Donald Trump order before it can deliver this prohibition, but the new mandate, Joe Biden, these restrictions are imposed on both the South American countries and the European nations of the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Brazil; and has added South Africa. “The President has decided to lift the restrictions that were previously established for the European Schengen area, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Brazil”, announced the spokesman for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki.

The OMS describes the new Brazilian cepa as a
The OMS describes the new Brazilian cepa as a “preoccupying variant” of coronavirus (Christopher Black / WHO / Handout via REUTERS)

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes in the new section of the SARS-CoV-2 hall in Brazil as a “preoccupying variant”, which could impact on the humanitarian response.

A supplementary pre-occupation for Brazil, due to the pandemic, in a new ascending phase, 207 miles to die for, a superb balance only by the United States. With a brutal incidence in Manaos, the capital of Amazonas is near the collapse before the increase in contagions and deaths.

The State Foundation Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Mayor of the Latin American Medical Research Center, confirms the identification and circulation of a new variant of coronavirus originating in the Amazon state.

Following the move made by Japan, it is clear that some travelers are visiting the Brazilian Amazon region and, according to Felipe Naveca, who is Fiocruz Amazon’s deputy director of research, the new variant presents a series of mutations.

The new cepa fue hallada for Brazilian scientists at the end of December.

Following a study by the National Laboratory of Scientific Computation (LNCC), conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and conducted in conjunction with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the new variant was detected earlier this October Janeiro, capital of the homonymous state.

“This is the new reality of covid (…) This is now the lover of the era of varieties”, sostuvo Osterholm.

The Amazon region, in Brazil, suffers a serious sanitary collapse ahead of the coronavirus (Photo by MARCIO JAMES / AFP)
The Amazon region, in Brazil, suffers a serious sanitary collapse ahead of the coronavirus (Photo by MARCIO JAMES / AFP)

Pre-occupation in Brazil ahead of coronavirus

The Brazilian state of Amazonas is applying these restrictive moonlight months to control the covid-19 and San Pablo is going to do it at night, in the second full of the pandemic that has not hit the country, with more than 217,000 deaths.

Amazonas, the Brazilian state (out of a total of 27) proportionally with more deaths by the new coronary, limit person circulation to one known nucleus to make purchases and impose the closure of all stores no essentials until the 31st of January.

The health system of Manaos, the Amazon capital, collapsed weeks ago; the lack of oxygen in hospitals provoked deaths and forced to evacuate more than 200 patients to other cities. “We are in war” and without hesitation the situation will be “much worse”, warned the Alcalde de Manaos, David Almeida, in an interview the Saturday with the agency AFP.

San Pablo, on the other hand, will limit the essential activities of its nocturnal life on Mondays from 20 to 20 weeks. In Brazil’s richest and most populous state, the pandemic “killed a person every six minutes”, dijo la semana pasada the executive coordinator of the paulista paulista de lucha against the new coronavirus, Joao Gabbardo.

Brazil starts to wake up in its last week (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)
Brazil starts to wake up in its last week (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)

The seminal bulletin of the Fiocruz Foundation, a prestigious research institute, indicates that Saturday saw Brazil launch a “pre-emptive scenario”, which dates back to There is no evidence of an increase in the number of deaths and deaths of the virus. The signal also shows that the occupation of beds for adults in the United Intensive Care Units (UCI) is “in the area of ​​critical alert” in many state capitals and that they also have a occupancy rate “of at least 80%” . In Rio de Janeiro, it is 99.8% and Manaos 94.1%.

The state of Rondonia, in the Amazon region, announced the end of the week having agreed with the federal government to transfer 543 affected patients by covid-19 to other states.

Brasilia, a country of 212 million residents, receives vacancies in priority groups last week, currently available at 12.8 million doses of vacancies (China CoronaVac and the British of AstraZeneca / Oxford, which require two applications) and the continuity of the process depends on sums that deben llegar from China.

More information about The Washington Post and AFP

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