Confederate flag, during civil war, never made it to the US Capitol, but a riot carried one inside on Wednesday

One of the rioters – a kid with a widow’s peak – was more dressed for a trip to the bar than a revolution, but what stood out was the pole he was carrying, higher than himself, with ‘ a standard fly in the Confederate uprising against the country 160 years ago.

The man has not been identified. Where he went after the photographers took his photo is unknown. While there were dozens of arrests on Wednesday, it is unclear if the man is among them.

The capital’s defense was ‘poorly manned’

While versions of the Confederate flag appeared in legal exhibits in the country’s legislative headquarters, the closest any Rebel with a Confederate flag ever came to the Capitol was about 6 miles during the Battle of Fort Stevens at 11 and 12 July 1864
To be clear, the Beauregard battle flag – the red banner with the star blue cross commonly referred to today as’ the ‘Confederate flag’ – was not the official banner of the 1861 uprising. The 13-star design was used by the Second Confederate Navy and other military factions before being included in various iterations of the so-called national flag.

The version of the flag paraded by the Capitol on Wednesday only became so directly related to the Confederacy in the late 1940s and early 1950s, as Dixiecrats fell back on the idea of ​​civil rights and racial equality. White supremacists later accepted it as one of their emblems of choice.

Yet only in 2021 did an insurgent carry a flag of rebellion in America’s ‘citadel of liberty’ to borrow the currency of the incoming US president.

The Battle of Fort Stevens is, according to Smithsonian Magazine, the closest the Confederacy has ever conquered to Washington DC. The South was battered, but on July 11, 1864, Confederate Lieutenant-General Jubal Early sat on his horse outside Fort Stevens, the Capitol dome according to him, and determined that the city’s defense was “poorly manned,” the magazine reported. He was not wrong.

Early on, he commanded the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia, which fought under a square version of the Confederate battle flag that is widely waved today.
His commander, Genl. Robert E. Lee, suffered a slow, bloody defeat, and the attack on the capital of the Union could have given Lee some respite, or at least persuaded Union General Ulysses S. Grant to leave some of his troops, who hammered to deduce. Lee’s powers, reports Smithsonian.

Grant’s troops return while Early’s men falter

Early, the commander of his leading division ordered to begin the attack on the capital of the United States. The thousands of cavalry, artillerymen and infantrymen – armed with 40 cannons – began their assault.

Grant, who redeployed many of the reinforcements from Washington and took them to the battle in Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia, heard of Early’s charge and ordered 17,000 troops to the capital, the magazine said. Commanders wounded and clerks marched to pick up guns and join the sparsely trained reserves that had to defend the city.

At one point, one of Early’s commanders found a loophole in the defense that could provide a lane to the Federal Navy and its ships, the U.S. Treasury and warehouses of food, medicine and ammunition, but Early had a problem. : after defeating Union forces in Lynchburg, Virginia and Frederick, Maryland, in the hot, dry summer, his troops were exhausted, too tired to walk, according to Smithsonian.

The riot succeeds in portraits of slaveholder John Calhoun, leftist and abolitionist Charles Sumner.

‘General Early rode along the weakening formations and told stunned, sweaty, dusty men that he would take them to Washington that day. They tried to raise the old Rebel Yell to show him they were willing, but it burst and came out thin. , ”Reports the magazine.

Before the men could muster their strength, some of Grant’s men returned to the city and launched a counterattack. Early and his men regroup the night of the 11th and before dawn Early takes his field goggles to investigate the federal strongholds.

Instead of the sharp, new uniforms worn by the clerks and walking wounded, he now sees men in faded, war-worn sky blue, and “everywhere he sees fluttering battle flags,” Smithsonian said.

“I therefore had to reluctantly give up hope of taking Washington, after facing the dome of the Capitol,” Early wrote in his autobiography.

President Lincoln makes history

While Trump posted a video on social media on Wednesday demanding the factual verification, President Abraham Lincoln traveled to the front line, albeit after Early resigned to defeat. Yet snipers’ guns burst and cannons blew. Lincoln “limited to the parapet.” Smithsonian Magazine said generals and other military leaders begged him to take cover while bullets were ‘pushed ashore’.

According to legend, one of the leaders was Capt. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., the future U.S. Supreme Court justice, who does not recognize the sloppy Lincoln as his commander-in-chief, but the bark at the president: “Go down, damn fool!”

It was the only time a sitting president of the United States ever came under fire in a fight, according to the National Park Service.

Early on, he ordered his men to stay in their place and look dangerous, and after darkness fell on the 12th, somewhere after 10 p.m., he and his army retreated to Virginia. And so no Confederate flag could reach it within 6 miles of the Capitol.

“Although he could not conquer the national capital, the campaign seemed to please him, as told by Major Henry Kyd Douglas,” said the park service, which maintains the partially restored Fort Stevens in the Brightwood area of ​​northwest Washington. .

“On the evening of July 12, 1864, after deciding to withdraw from Washington, General Early called his staff together and declared, ‘Major, we did not take Washington, but we scared Abe Lincoln like hell! ‘”

Early in March 1865 he was relieved of his command, and after the war he fled to Mexico, then Cuba, then Canada, before returning – promise of amnesty in hand – to Lynchburg, Virginia, where he occupied his occupation before the war. resumed as a lawyer and helped draft the story of the Lost Cause, the park service said.
