Conducting atropella to a group of people in downtown San Diego: hay at least 3 dead in 6 herids

(CNN) – At least three people were killed and others were seriously injured when they were hit by a vehicle that crashed into an area in downtown San Diego, according to bomber Colin Stowell.

The driver of the 71-year-old vehicle, a Volvo van, intended to help and identified the police. Now it’s being investigated for conducting a crime scene, said San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit at a press conference.

The accident occurred mainly in a tunnel at the center of the debating city of a subterranean passage where Jefe Nisleit said that many people were looking for refuge in the country.

“If it’s not the common man who sleeps, if the man who lives is allied,” said Nisleit. There is no such thing as a camp for people without hogar, but there is a variety of campaign tents and personal belongings to be found in the field.

The police received a radio report several minutes before the accident about a vehicle that coincided with the description of Volvo, but the police were not present at the time of the incident, said Nisleit.
