Concert halls, theaters can reopen by the autumn of 2021, says dr. Anthony Fauci

Concert halls, theaters can reopen by the fall of 2021, says DR.  ANTHONIE FAUCI

Dr. Anthony Fauci says theaters and other live entertainment venues could reopen “a time in the fall of 2021”.

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases gave an update on when he thinks the performing arts will be able to reopen during a virtual conference hosted by the Association of Professional Performing Arts.

According to The New York Times, Fauci said the country would need to achieve an effective level of herd immunity, which should vaccinate from 70 percent to 85 percent of the population before theaters and other venues can reopen.

“If all goes well, it will take some time in the fall of 2021,” Fauci said: “so that by the time we are early to mid-autumn, we can have people perform safely on stage, as well as people in the audience.”

Fauci added that if the distribution of vaccines succeeds, theaters with good ventilation and proper air filters may not have to place many restrictions on performances in the fall – other than asking their audience to wear masks, which he says could be the norm. remains the foreseeable future.

Small live music and entertainment venues were hit hard during the coronavirus pandemic, with 90 per cent of owners, promoters and local bookmakers previously reporting that they were in danger of closing down without additional financial assistance and an estimated loss of $ 9 billion.

Last month, congressional leaders announced a new bill on COVID-19 that would include funding for independent music venues that were closed throughout the pandemic.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and minority leader of the Senate Chuck Schumer issued a statement saying the bill on a $ 900 billion stimulus deal was ‘$ 15 billion dedicated to funding directors, independent cinemas and cultural institutions.’

Also in December, concert trade publication Pollstar released its year-end report, which states that the total lost revenue for the live-opportunity industry in 2020 was more than $ 30 billion. This figure includes ‘unreported events, additional income, including sponsorships, tickets, concessions, merchandise, transportation, restaurants, hotels and other economic activities related to the live events.’

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