Concacaf believes a Superliga and Liga MX sueña merger with MLS will be addressed

Mexico City /

Everything happened in Europe with the Superliga and the UEFA sirvió para que el President of de Concacaf, Víctor Montagliani, also show off his support for the organism of the living continent and pass it by to order a message between lines to the MX League who showed off his deso merge with the MLS.

Through social speeches, Montagliani dio knew his posture about the Europa League and it turns out that all of them need to work in conjunction with the crime of football and not separately.

“I fully support FIFA and UEFA and my opongo to the creation of any “superliga” which is a rupture with the current football institutions. “As interested parties, we have the responsibility to work together to create the game and respect the governing structures of football”, said the post of Canadian director.

MX League and its MLS merger thinking

In the past Mikel Arriola, President of the MX League, expressed that the goals of the Mexican competence eran los de unirse en un torneo a la MLS, para asi tener une crecimiento crecimiento, alonque por ahora no se sabe si este projecto a futuro es parar crear un nune torneo o simpler accretar la Leagues .

Concacaf on previous occasions, during the presidency, manifested its rechazo ante a possible union of both leagues, only now for the 2023 edition of the Concachampions, the Champions League will wear a ballet insured for the Confederation tournament.
