Con delgada prenda, La Desalmada, Livia Brito acapara miradas

La actress Livia Brito, who is currently protagonizing the new novel of “La Desalmada“If there is one more time the center of all the mirrors will be able to share a photo where I will appear with a shared window.

The new figure of José Alberto’s most recent production, “El Guero” Castro, Livia Brito, dejo more than encantados to all to appear in a publication where light a vest that gives a little more to the view of what his followers habrían esperado.

La cubana choose a tone of pink that combines the perfection with the color of its cable and its tone of voice that the hizo distances more than its attractiveness, a par, the “television actress“accompanies the publication with a legendary inspirer, who has wanted a constant in his content on social media.

We think so much in the mañana that we lie olvida the HOY. Enjoy the moment, it presents my #BebesDeLuz.

As he has done on various occasions, the star of 34 years, Livia Brito Pestana, white blanks of various comments and eulogies that result in beauty and his silhouette market, in addition to some other congratulations from some of his admirers.

Que linda, “Hermosa”, “Woww que belleza”, “Woow!”, “Gracias por tu consejo Livi”, fueron algunos de los commentarios escritos en la publication de cual recepti 174.569 Me gusta.

In the image, the “influencer” appears with a print in a clear pink color that reveals the background of the corner of his trees.

And it’s all that has become more evident in the silhouette market that has always been located in the eastern part of The Habana which since the 2020 pass has been reinvented with a new facet in the world of social media, mainly Instagram, Youtube and Tik Tok.

Brito found in technology the herramientas para poder mantenerse circa of his fieles “aLIVIAnados” as llama to his fans brinda content of great diversity enfocados to the care of the body, a combination of exercise routines, albeit well done de la piel contributes a una salueerbare y hermosa figura.

Currently, the “model” is largely focused on the grabs of the new production that prepares Television of the same time has shared details in the stories shared with its fans to appreciate the star of the new novel grabs la cual aún no tiene un fecha por confirmmar.

In the recent production, Brito Pestana, was a unique talented artist José Ron with whom he sterilized the history based on the Colombian exhibition “La Dama de Troya”.

This is the project that marks the regression of the one who interprets the recorded character of “Yolanda Cadena” in “The Pilot”, because the film was stolen from the pants during the controversy that protagonized in Cancun together with his couple be accused of aggression! is a photographer.

The 2021 read with new plans for the award-winning artist’s tray on its television tray, also a reality presenter like “Bailando por un sueño”.

The history of drama will also be a party for other figures of the medium of the spectacle, such as the conductor Raúl Araiza, who will regain a new interest in the chic panties three years apart.

Asimismo, figure names other personalities of the artistic ambience like the Mexicans Altair Jarabo and Ana Brenda Contreras.
