Con Christian Nodal, harían que Belinda renuncie a la Voz

Según fuertes gerugte que circulan en torno a la cantante Belinda, refieren que posblendre podría decir adiós al proyecto de “La Voz Kids“this is the case for commencing and series Christian Nodal la llave que Televisa usaría para conseguirlo ¿Será el adiós a Tv Azteca?

To appear, the number of Belinda at the moment it is in “fashion”, a reason sufficient for now that Spain is in the thick of controversy over the televisions on which a circle may receive a jug of offers that it will live on “La Voz Kids ‘n poco de dar inicio.

In a recent visit by the regional artist to the Hoy program, he was also questioned about his “boda” con la “pop star“, one of the most hoped for by his fans as the no followers of the couple.

In the middle of the great fame that the “music pair“has been fearing since he started dating his romance in Ajusco’s television program,” La Voz México “edition 2020, now that San Angel’s production house has given up the time to recover the dos joyas del momento, aseguraan.

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“Cómo si el influiera in las decisions de ella, ahora Televisa dio la surpresa y le quito de veto al kantautor Christian Nodal para que este sea el gancho y con ello regrese Belinda a la televisora ​​de San Ángel. Hay que recordar que ambos fueron castigados con el latigo de veto de esa empresa al aparas en las camera de TV Azteca “, dijo Chacaleo.

‘Coqueteos” n Belinda

By principle, Television withdraws the veto that imposes on sonorense who Appearance in the issue matutina dondeem realized a promotion to his new disco “Los Plebes del Rancho”, and was owned by Andrea Escalona who had a conversation with all the stars with the star.

To start with the ‘coqueteos’ of Belinda, Televisa invites Nodal to the program Hoy and sends Andrea Escalona together as the pretext for the launch of the new disco of Los Plebes del Rancho; do not stop the plastic gyro in turn to the bottom of the songs “, awaits the YouTube channel.

According to the platform’s program, there was no chance that exactly the conductor would do what he said with the interpretation of “Goodbye Love“it is part of a strategy to build a” reconciliation “with the producer.

Although, at the moment, only the source of the application, which has been known to know these versions, the sonata channel of the show revealed that Televisa has moved its tracks to both and there is a g0lp3 to its competence.

All indications are that there is now the “Las Estrellas” house in the great fame that the two figures he protagonized, because he had many openings, between them, the ones of the same producer that the “castigó”, quiere recuperarlos y ganar el rating que han perdido.

Han sido tres años en los que Belinda Peregrín Schüll, collaborated with the Ajusco producer’s box office in the midst of the reality shows of “La Voz México” where he worked as a coach, working on his next participation in the “La Voz Kids” 2021 edition.

“Los Plebes del Rancho seran invitados a la boda”

In a moment, the director of the record, Magda Rodríguez, questioned the author of “Nace a borracho“if the group is organizing its booth, the composer will answer that” no chanting, we are seriously invited to enjoy the bed and that his friends and many admire him “.

También can also direct Christian Nodal to the Grammy 2021 with the theme AYAYAY!

On the other hand, the recorded version of “Sapito” is also to train his return to the pants and desempolvar his ability to act in a new series of Netflix, “Welcome to Eden”, justifying what you have to translate to Spain, his Country of origin and where the production of this production is currently taking place.
