Complete routine to make homeowners at home

No hay excuses para no hacer eiercicio. If you do not have time to train in the gym, do not worry, you can always train at home with a complete routine of owners. A routine that constitutes an ideal herramienta for tonify distinct muscle groups y conseguir mantenernos en forma.

So, fitness specialists are signaling how to train intensely and short is the most effective. It has been reported that over 45 minutes of training has not yet reached its peak and this time there have been no optimal results. A good routine should have a duration of 40 to 50 minutes, with varied activities lasting from 5 to 15 minutes and descending between series and rehearsals to secure the mayor’s possible benefit from the training.

Loose eercicios para hacer en casa which we propose not need much space and only be specified by a colchoneta or a living room for realisarlos. Prepare a complete training plan to do at home with some of the following characteristics that we recommend:

Calentamiento for the routine of home ownership at home

Start the routine with a calentamiento is onontbeerlike to reduce the likelihood of suffering a lesion, in addition to optimizing muscle efficiency by calming the muscles for ejaculation. It is important to prepare the articles that make moving objects and amplifiers. It is recommended to calendar for 5 minutes.

As a result, it’s recommended to run on our route, starting slowly with the principle to pass a more rapid path, elevating the maximum possible rods for 40 seconds. También can also include other calendering features such as:

• Incline the trunk between the Izquierda and the derecha and with the right paths, you can do up to 40 repetitions.

• Frame rotation. One 10 turns to the right and another 10 to the left.

• Calendar abdominal muscles: tombados de espaldas, elevate the piernas one 15 centimeters from the sole. Repeat 20 times.

• Calendar muscles of the pelvis: tumbados about the stomach, elevate shape • Simultaneously the braces and paws of the sole and agitate to reach what we have. Repeat 20 times.

• Rotation of braces, antebrazos and muscles. Rotate front and rear axles.


Burden sentadillas is the perfect owner to work through the glute zone and proceed to tonify and fortify the entire zone. It is an uncommon owner, but requires restraint to record the effects.

We tend to colocar pie with the open piers, procuring to maintain the pies in the same line as the males. In this position, with the right side, we are coming as we are walking and we are helping with the bracelets that are ahead.


Follow with the stocks, working with them the train inferior, además de fortalecer las piernas. To make our situation with the separate pieces and adjust the separation of the frames, support the company form, with the straight edge and give the braces alone to the lads of the body.

In this arrangement posture, we have a long, elongated step, we flex the rod in the right angle, since the rod is at the tip of the pie. Volvemos a la postura inicial, repetimos el eiercicio con la otra pierna y vamos repitiendo con una y otra pierna.

Peso kills

With this owner we have a fortalecer la espalda, además de las caderas y las piernas. To achieve the precision of a bar with weights, be important to have prudence and start with a few pounds in principle.

If we are separating a small piece of fish in order to keep the distance between the males, we will take the bar or one weights in the house and we will be slow as we flex a small rod.

To know more, you can have 5 calistener exercises to practice at home.


Our colocamos boca abajo, apoyándonos sobre los antebrazos, las manos y la punta de los pies. From this position we will lift the body, we will add one second to the right body and we will move to the initial position. We have one of a series of 20 rehearsals. With this exercise we also work the glutes, lumbar zone and pierna.

Biceps flexions

With these flexions we will tune our braces. To do this we need one of the shortcomings or, in this case, we will not be able to return one of the packages of hair or sugar. For these we weigh the pie y, with the fijo prison and cogiendo the weights with the men, iremos subiendo prima una mano hasta alcanzar el hombro y bajándola suavemente. We will repeat the ownership with the other brazo.


The fortification of the Abdominal muscles It is also important to work the muscles in the abdominal zone and to get rid of that zone. Some effective tools to work with your son:

The reverse crunch or the inverted crunch

To do this you need to check the box below for a bulletin board. Colocamos loa brazos stirados a ambos lados del cuerpo con las palms de las manos pegadas al suelo.

Depending on this position, we flex the ligaments while holding the elbows raised in the air. From here we will take the rodillas to the pitch, round the gap and lift a small frame. The peso ha caer sober la cintura, no sober el cuello, e intentionaremos mantener la postura unos segundos. We despise, we will take the framework and we will take the initial position.
