‘Comparte una Aventura’ en ‘n program wat destint vir’ n mejorar el bienestar de jóvenes met uno de sus padres diagnosados ​​de cancer

Share an adventure

el DiarioSolidario

The program “Share an Adventure” offer people between 14 and 18 years with a father or mother diagnosed with cancer, a free therapy during the adventures. Young people, depending on the situation, find themselves at risk of developing mental health problems and other psychological disorders..

The project is looking to develop the benefit of adolescents in Travels of activities in the Barcelona area such as: equinotherapy, climbing, vela, kayaking. Direct actions by health and social intervention professionals. You can no longer participate walk with his routine, increase his self-esteem, acquire new skills and understand what we are living.

The Adventure Part program is managed by the Experientia Association, together with the Kalida Foundation and the funding of the Nous Cims Foundation.

The Therapy of Adventure

Mental health professionals and social intervention professionals design and facilitate adventures and activities that involve participants in cognitive, affective and conductive levels. The participants toman their own decision making and eligen of what way to involve, fomentando the internal motivation in the cambio.

As part of the vivacities, one facilitates reflection process that provokes the formation of experiences and conclusions that the young people can transfer to their living diary. Adolescents like this, of this form, process processes such as personal supervision, the self-confidence and responsibility attitude.

The interested young people, who are in this situation, can sign up for the next opportunity to participate in the program.

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