Company selling black PS5 covers challenges Sony to ‘try to sue’

Canadian fringe industry Dbrand has announced that it will soon be taking orders for its own range of black PlayStation 5 “href =” “> PlayStation 5 faceplates Sony Interactive rejected. Entertainment “href =” “> Sony can stop it.

The company, which is best known for its phone cases, enables customers to sign up notifications for when its matte PS5 faceplates will be available. It is said that the records will be released sometime in 2021 and will be in both standard and digital variants.

“We will start mass production on PS5 Faceplates by the end of the year,” the company wrote last week. “However, we do not accept orders until we have inventory at our Toronto headquarters ready to ship.”

Dbrand’s product launch follows a sensational case in the UK in which one company cancels its plans to create custom PS5 faceplates after Sony allegedly threatened legal action. had to change the original name of PlateStation5 and eventually pull out its entire range of custom PS5 faceplates.

Asked by a Reddit user if he was afraid of similar legal action over his front pages, Dbrand rejected the idea and wrote, “We encourage them to give it a try.” A caption on his Reddit message also reads: “sue us, Sony.”

A company selling black PS5 covers has challenged Sony to ‘try to sue’

Dbrand said he could later expand his range to offer other PlayStation “href =” “> PlayStation 5 colors up front, but for now it focuses on matte black with a composite series of midsheets.

Another fringe company, Game Armor, last month launched pre-orders for its own PS5 faceplates, which are available in matte black, red and blue with an introductory price of $ 35.

Content creator CptnAlex, which launched Game Armor in December, explained why he did not expect his company to get on the wrong side of Sony.

He wrote: ‘Because our name is not deceptively close to a trademark, because our product does not contain trademarks, and because our armor is different enough not to infringe design patents, we can sell safely. ”

As revealed in an official breakdown video of PlayStation 5, the standard white shell is slipping off PS5, theoretically allowing the unofficial replicas to be easily put in its place.

Sony has not yet announced any change to the standard white design of PlayStation 5 or even committed to releasing additional console caps in the future.