Companions and Reasons for Gio Not Consolidated in America

The period of Giovani dos Santos con America generates questions about its yield and the explanations explain the reasons why it is not consolidated

Ante la polememica creada en torno al juevo de juego de Giovani dos Santos, ex companienos del jugador del America en Selección Nacional y juntos campeones del mundo Sub-17, externan su su punto de vista al respecto. Ever Guzmán affirms that the same Giovani should be questioned “because he could not consolidate in America”, while César Villaluz considers that he did not have the strength to meet a coach who has confidence in him and his case to a greater extent.

In an interview with ESPN Digital, Ever Guzmán afirmó que admire mucho to Giovani and that in general always hablará como su fan, aunque no escapa de la reality and señala que “uno quisiera ver cada fin de semana que nos regal su futbol explosivo tan agradable para la vista, pues juega quite well ”and agregó that“ his things that he needs to question: ¿for what aunts lesions, for what is, for what the other ?, but that is what he is. There will be his conscience. One does not know who is alive. There is no such thing as a day with him. Yo lo que quiero es verl en la tele y que le vaya muy bien y nos regale esas joyas de goles que mete ”.

Ever Guzmán, who continues his time judging the Hartford Athletic team (of the USL United States Championship), confirms that “never voy to opinion mal of the generation of 2005, then to all the appreciation. Have a couple of years ago at Gío ya Vela in San Antonio; platicamos bastante rato súper bien, super friendly. It’s very good that we record the times when we have cavities, and here is the cariño ”.

Señala que admira Giovani y siempre ha seguido su carrera “y para mí lo que ha hecho ha sido incredible. World Cup with Mexico, hizo golazos. It’s more like a fan and always has good things to do. He is always dependent on his triumphs, his excitos. I like to lose a lot of goals in America and that is considered idol, as it is in the Selection. For me he had a career that was enviable for any Mexican ”and added that he lamentably read the lesions“ he mumbled his process to convert idol in America, because he has quality, ten, no doubt ”.


For César Villaluz, another integrative member of the 2005 Gold Generation, who has been a Gio, for over 15 years and those who have won national sub-17, Sub-20, sub-23 and mayoral selections, always has the same player with quality that marks difference; without embarrassment recognizes that in the last years he has been inconsistent in his actions and attributes it to the lack of continuity and that “quiza has not agreed with the coach that he can be confident and can make a point and be an important player in his team” .

As a person did not change. Each one has as much as the hay touched at the moment. I can convince you and treat me always; también mi trato hacia él es el mismo. Never change ”, detailed César Villaluz, who played for the Cancún team, in the Expansion League.

“Ultimately, it lacks continuity in order to be able to follow this rhythm and maintain confidence and be able to distance yourself. They have the qualities, they are not pierden de lache a la mañana, pero le han missta más minuta para que siga agrarando más rhythm of party ”.

César Villaluz considers it normal for Giovani to excel at being in a big team like America, whereas competence is day to day and demand is the best actions, the champions; has demand for its capacity, because it has a lot of experience and it has to improve ”. Lamenta when he appears to be in his best moment “Gio fights with the lesions” and does not have to make sure that his best actions are held in National Selection.

For the most part, dijo que Giovani lo menos que debe hacer es dejar de preparse y que se vio que n tomó a bien lo dicho por el technician Miguel Herrera, de ahí que haya contestado, “pero debe de enfocarse en él y en su team, en seguir preparándose para tener mejures juegos”.
