Como saca provecho Finlandia de ser el “Pace más feliz del mundo”

Antes known for its insidious comedy and its long and invasive duration, Finland was called “the most happy country in the world” for its time being consecutive, and approved the title to enhance its image in the foreign world, stimulating tourism and business.

Since 2018, which the world-wide “World Happiness Report” ranks systematically on the border in the northern French frontier with Russia, many of its 5.5 million inhabitants -segumn admit- are described as being just as quiet, a little melancholic and small props to the allegations of allegory.

“When I was there for the first time, and I did not believe it was the only one, I was afraid”, said TV producer Tony Ilmoni to AFP in the Helsinki calls, while Finland won its four-quarter title.

The global study sponsored by the United Nations pretends to quantify individual satisfaction, bases it on cases involving the 149 countries that hold GDP and the perception of levels of solidarity, individual freedom and corruption in each country.

This methodology has been discussed for some time, but since then it has been used as a public barometer for the UN ‘”World Day of Congratulations” on 20 March.

With its efficient public services, its high level of delinquency and inequality, and its high level of confidence in the authorities, Finland has a high degree of classification that it crowns other Nordic countries, such as Norway and Denmark.

Including suicidal ideation, the sun has set in the middle of the 90’s.

The title of “most happy world” was a reference to Finland’s tourism and promotion officials, which will approve it quickly.

– Who does not want to live here? –

“It’s very powerful, convincing and evocative can say that we’m the happiest country in the world. Who wants to live here?”, Said Joel Willans, a UK expert on digital marketing in Finland since the principles of 2000.

Ontelbare empresas han utilized the title to sell more of their products or attract their employees to be transferred here.

Including Finnish cuisine with a great deal of effort: restaurateurs and producers will now be looking for its natural ingredients and a very practical cuisine.

In terms of tourism, the most important impetus of the marketing offensive, he saw the creation of “congratulatory ambassadors” to convince visitors to the secrets of Finnish wealth.

“People have curiosity (about our happiness) and want to know more”, explains Paavo Virkkunen, framed by the promotion of pais in Business Finland.

The “Finnish” brand? Then there is life in the open air, in the wooded areas with miles of lakes, with the mythical sauna and a piss of the “official residence” of Papa Noel.

Antes of the covid-19 pandemic, tourism in the Finnish Laponia baths records.

After a few years in the sky, what happened if Finland pierced the title? For Joel Willans, this can be one of the dull points: acostumbrados to a society that is very stressful and that works well, the tolerance of the Finns and the obstacles is reduced.

But the benefits of the actions take place in a large place, according to Virkunnen. “We have created as a nation, extending the foundations of greater happiness than antiquity,” he agreed.
