Cómo lograr bienestar emonional en la vida diaria, según investigadores

A recent crisis of mental health is the “second oil” of health problems that experts say early on estrés prolonged generation due to coronavirus pandemic.

Following a follow-up survey conducted by the KFF (a state organization with fines of fines, organized in San Francisco, California) in July, 53% of adult state residents reported that their mental health had been negatively affected by the preoccupation and estres due to the pandemic. In March, this situation affected one to three.

As a result, organizations and communities are busy practical tools to explain mental health. In an article published in the PNAS specialized journal (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), Wisconsin-Madison University researchers present a new brand for emotional well-being that centers on specific abilities that can be learned.

The brand is based in scientific evidence which suggests that the property can be cultivated through the practice of live diarrhea.

“It really is the ‘como’ of the beehive“, by Christy Wilson-Mendenhall, Scientific of Center of Common Sense by UW-Madison and co-author of the article.

“Traditionally, psychology research is centered on the treatment of mental illnesses. We hope to broaden the discussion to promote the cultivation of well-being in any stage, including when it is relatively healthy. These abilities help us. be more resistant at the moment we are living now “, added.

Four pillars

The brand is centered on four pillars studied in the laboratory and which has been demonstrated with the best training:

1. conscience or attention in entorno and internal signals as corporate sensations, thoughts and sentiments;

2. connection or appreciation, bondad y composition;

3. insight, which refers to the curiosity and the auto economy;

4. y proposal, maintaining its values ​​and motivations.

For example, conscience, and in particular metaconsciousness (be aware of what you are aware of), want to decrease stress, increase positive emotions and can mediate mental training practices through meditation.

Consciousness helps to reduce some of the effects of distraction, which demonstrate the cognitive function and increase the responses of the cerebral palsy, which are linked to inflammation and the environment.

Meditation has positive effects on health.  Photo Shutterstock.

Meditation has positive effects on health. Photo Shutterstock.

Hold a proposal

The proposal in life is a objective personally significantly which people can apply to live diarrhea. Tener a proposal also is associated with positive results of physical and biological health.

“Have qualities of a mind that many people do not know that can you train“, said Cortland Dahl, scientific researcher at the KFF Center and author of the article.

“We do not think about them as abilities. Many of our thoughts that are programmed to be here or there, but the reality is that these qualities are many most trainable and troublesome of what we think. It is a very empowering vision of the human mind: we can learn to be in it assistant director of our own property “, graphic.

Resilience, the key

The new brand has proportional evidence that people can resist the high levels of life with resilience, and that the brain and the body can change and adapt. In order to replace other points of view of the welfare state, the researchers say that the brand complements other models specifically in the scientific evidence for the dimensions of the welfare state that can be trained and learned for the prosperous people.

Investigators claim that one of its objectives is to ensure that science is the most accessible and accessible to its peers. incorporate this message in therapies, meditation programs and other mental health treatments.

“This work is parallel to what we are learning about human biology. We are just beginning to understand that our biology is also maleable“, Dollesteen Dahl, who also is the contemplative director of Common sense innovations, the external organization without fines affluent affiliated with Center of Common Sense, which translates science into herramentas to cultivate and mediate the well-being. “We do not need a way of life. Our cerebrum, nervous systems and biology can be molded. There is a very hopeful vision: there are many forms in which we can influence our names and help to improve“.

Wilson-Mendenhall and Dahl say they have an important job to do to understand how to apply the brand in all cultures and studied in various groups of people. Given that ideas in the market have a profound history in contemplative contexts that precede the capacity of Western science for students, it is just a matter of assuming its importance, but the form in which it is implemented and presented in mental health interventions in the futures can vary between cultures and contexts and require an additional emphasis.

We can influence our minds and strengths to improve, affirm the investigators.  Photo Shutterstock.

We can influence our minds and strengths to improve, affirm the investigators. Photo Shutterstock.

How to deport

The meditation and other interventions of well-being are “similar to the deportes”, compares the employee of the studio director of Centro para Mentes Saludables Richard Davidson. “Describe an amplia gama de actividades”, dice. “The different types of meditation hacen different things for your room, even though the different sports are different and different changes in your body. You can train your mind in different pillars that are most important for full attention or including free practice “.

For example, the Pillar of Perception, Davidson explains, “is simply to feel curiosity about your own thoughts y opinions preceded. Your account has not been configured. You can ask your own suggestions and prejudices, and you have one tremendo potential to sanitize the division we are in current society “.

Future investigations will explore how the brand can help people develop resilience and how they can be used to treat mental health disorders such as depression.
