Cómo is the owner of periodism in dictatorships, authoritarian or democratic governors, says Héctor Carbonell

Héctor Carbonell, Cuban periodist
Héctor Carbonell, Cuban periodist

“The enormous power that poses the need to use in defense of our democratic institutions and governors that demonstrate honesty and efficiency”. This is a refrain about periodic ownership Héctor Carbonell in his article “Official Periodism and Free Periodism”, winner of the National Prize of the College of Periodicals of Cuba in the exile 2020.

In its text, recently published by the Institute of Cuban Studies, the communicator indicates that in order to work on the periodical, it is necessary to take into account the ambience in which it is developed. On this line, there are three “very different corners”: a totalitarian dictatorship, an authoritarian government or a representative democracy with balanced powers.

With respect to the first case, Carbonell stated that the official periodism is not a valid periodism. On the contrary, “There are public employees who care to inform the public that the governing body”. In Latin America, for example, this practice is being emphasized today in countries such as Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, commanded by totalitarian regimes.

In front of the censorship that he suffers from the Independent periodicals in their nations, and in front of each mayor lacks critical media of power, in the last years he has vital importance to social speeches.

The Cuban periodist ensures that free periodism does not exist in totalitarian dictatorships until decades have passed. Today it is possible “thanks to the development of social speeches”. These, he explains, “are the most difficult to control, but also vulnerable people have a governing body that has no scruple to use the media that it needs to avoid being exposed to its employees and judges”.

Journalists from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua denounce the diary censorship that suffers in their countries
Journalists from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua denounce the diary censorship that suffers in their countries

With regard to the periodical work in authoritative lands by authoritarian governors, Carbonell said that “The prime minister’s first official, the Independent official, avoids the government degenerating into a totalitarian dictatorship.” “His work should focus mainly on signaling the winds, always with the city, of an authoritarian or democratic government versus a regime like the communist, the principal amenable to humanity in sail XXI”.

For this reason, consider that for the periodicals it is not enough to denounce “the aberrant genocides of this system”, meaning that it is necessary “to have the essence of its being”. To explain this is the case of Marxism-Leninism, as it considers “nothing more than the theory of a vague, manipulated by psychopathic successors like Lenin, Stalin, Mao-tse Tung and Fidel Castro”. Según Carbonell, the proposal of all of them to “support the governor and enslave his people”.

The Cuban periodist tildo a Carlos Marx of “eternal parasite”: “Never work, but cover a salary and have the supreme arrogance to pretend to work for the best workers”. “For this result always has the same: misery and terror”.

This line also refers to Lenin, “the complementary theory of ideological change”. “The Bolshevik golfer was not able to release his people for training,” he said.

Según Carbonell, dictators like Fidel Castro are applauded by Gobierno “to enslave his people
According to Carbonell, dictators like Fidel Castro were applauded by Gobierno “to enslave his people”

Carbonell explained, for its part, that these are the first scenarios that can also exist “The periodism in exile”. So much is said about these days, about everything between Venezuelan and Cuban communes.

With respect, hizo hincapié en José Martí, “Our first great period exiled”: “We orient that in order to inherit this sacrament, the courage of a giant and the purity of a ninth will be necessary. Depending on the country in which this work is developed, the existing economic and political conditions can be explained and used on occasion with great success. Sacar a la luz lo que está en la sombra y luchar con la verdad debe ser su meta ”.

The third entourage planted by the Cuban communicator is the free periodism owned in a Republic with the state of Derecho. If it appears a priori as the easiest, “Debe has to maintain an extremely delicate balance in order not to fall into partisanism.” If this balance is pierced, Carbonell insists that “the first bay, as in war, is the world”.

“The party is convinced that it is safe and has the calumnia luce acceptable. Creyéndose sinceros can pueden make the biggest mistakes. It is a reality that Nadie is totally objective, but the periodical must do its utmost to avoid it and soberly avoid the incendiary denunciations, ”he said.

Many periodicals have to go into exile before the censorship and persecution of the dictatorships of their countries
Many periodicals have to exile before the censorship and persecution of the dictatorships of their countries

Carbonell recorded the case of the political-periodist Eduardo Chibas, while much time has been dedicated to denouncing the corruption of Cuba’s politicians. To admit that his speech was not enough to condone the denunciations, Chibas committed suicide. Geen hindernis, “the credibility of the institutions and their governing bodies is considerably increased.”

Liege General Fulgencio Batista approved the cohort in the island to take the power, “and his goal is that a psychopath like Fidel Castro felt sorry for himself and used the force”: “The tenebroso results in all the known”.

Carbonell underlined in its article that lands in a world where there is a “fanatical and decalcifying” press, while the temperament is empowered to feel “the catastrophic consequences”. “Expressions such as: all politicians are corrupt, all juices are sold, all police officers are abusers, riots do not observe the lies, they are part of the arsenal aristocratic that the communists use to condition the subconscious of the people. When the vein has penetrated it, they turn it into ‘salvarnos’ ”.

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The persecution of the deputies of the National Assembly of Juan Guaidó
