Como Duarte, Miriam Germán Brito insta a fiscales and jueces a castigar la administrative corruption

The Attorney General of the Republic, Miriam Germán Brito, issued a message in the Day of the Judicial Power in which the patriarchal legal action of Juan Pablo Duarte was challenged to reconsider the administration of justice and the administrative corruption.

Germán Brito insists on the juices and fiscal to follow Duarte’s example in the casting of officials who despise the contributors of his property.

“The Duarte maneuver plant has been erected since the dawn of our Republican life by the practice of administrative corruption. Now, we correspond to ours, juices and taxes, follow his example and respond to this aspiration of the Dominican people to be prosecuted and punished to all those responsible for provoking, in many cases, a brutal waste of the property of the contributors they have been forced to take up positions in the public administration ”said the magistrate

A continuation of the integral reproduction of the message of Miriam Germán :.

This day celebrates the Day of the Power Geregtelik. A power that is necessary exists as an instrument to record a life of respect and guarantee of rights for all citizens.

At the court of justice, the Judicial Power, we can not obtain the figure of Juan Pablo Duarte.

As a whole historical figure, Duarte does not escape the controversy, nor the pretense of judging, with parameters of the actuality, the actions taken at the time that the touch.

If you follow in the footsteps of the right that Duarte compromises his wells for the cause of libertarianism, he acts as an expression of some mystical case, when the vision is most accepted that in this highness, it has revealed that this male created in the noble independence.

Don Pedro Mir, refiriéndose a Duarte señala, con acierto, el papel que en su formation formation tuvieron las ideas a cuya influencia fue expuesto en Estados Unidos y, sobre todo, en la agitada Europa de 1830, tomando contacta con el pensamiento de Rousseau, con constitutionalism in honor; the Catalan forces and the political effervescence of Barcelona are unleashed, where anarchy flourishes with the much-anticipated preoccupation with the freedom of men.

También tuvo cabida in su pensamiento lo que de innovador tenía la Constitución de Cádiz de 1812.

It has the merit of abstaining from constitutional supremacy contained in Article 6 of its project. Duarte does not approve of the Constitution as the tan paparazzo “papazo de papel” of La Salle and repeats an expresident of our country; the thought of giving birth to a child and living to be cared for by the people as a standard of conduct.

In his project, Duarte treated the value of Justice, but he did not agonize in the conception of a public service. And more so, the mira as algo to integrate in the daily product, lending it to the condition for happiness … “Sed justos (…) si queréis ser felices”.

It has the vision of abogar by the power of the municipality, intuyendo that the municipality as the closest entity to the daily of the citizens and citizens is a space for the ownership of democracy.

Now we have International Courts, Genocide Laws, Humanity Crimes, Pero Duarte, that our Father Chronological Founder is looking more closely at the adolescence that he sees, sent in his project the notion of the inexpressible.

Article 11 of the Constitution of Duartiano’s project contains the preoccupation with this luminescent man now called Debido Proceso, when he said: ‘No one should be judged if he had the right to do so before he left. the establishment by the laws and in the form that these prescribe ”; saliéndole asi pas pas in criminal proceedings that may eventually be instrumental in its maintenance against those who question the power.

With regard to the legal thinking of Juan Pablo Duarte, we can conclude that, in addition to constitutional supremacy, these vigilantes are: a) the necessary legitimacy for the ownership of the power, yb) trace limits precisely to the ownership of it.

If there is a signal that in its epoch deba tion becomes a scandalous powder for subversive, and there is no existence for the city or town of the debtor obedience to an illegitimate authority, the debtor of obedience has the condition of the legitimacy of 1963.

With a Duarte who saw the man who had the luminosity of trying to create in a free, independent and sovereign nation project; when all the signs are the decision that no, listen, quizas so that this people the decision “is the hour, adrevete” and is accepted, made lies in his reading law to be excused for being on the project of Nación, the boceto of a cuer It is legal to guarantee a market that marches through an ideal of justice, freedom and happiness, which does not accept the cessation of a metro of its territory or an apocalypse of sovereignty, nor a factory with any form of corruption, as a testament to its commitment.

Duarte’s maneuvering plant has been growing since the burdens of our republican nation in the wake of the practice of administrative corruption. Now, we correspond to ours, juices and taxes, follow his example and respond to this aspiration of the Dominican people to be prosecuted and punished to all those responsible for provoking, in many cases, a brutal waste of the property of the contributors they have to perform functions in the public administration.

Donde Duarte demonstrates his stature transcending the times in which his sovereignty resides in the people, denying all the possibility of giving up an ace of it, mediating the enactment of territories or the power of powers in the hands of women he received by voluntary sovereignty that he would follow the people, even if in time he would kill the powder of temporary debris.

The Duartiano project conceives the legal ordinance as a tool to guarantee the creation of a society in freedom, in harmony and following a valid instrument, quizzes more now, in the period of the logic of the laws, a time in which humorist with obvious sarcasm puts one of his characters to express “to tranquilize the markets, hemos intranquilized to the characters”.

Create as Duarte in our position as a truly sovereign nation, apostate without sectarianism by the unity of those who share progressive values, summon the reconciled in it, assuming the supremacy of the father, and seek the clarity of his clear knowledge patria is treated.
