Commissioning resident dolphins that “the 600 dollars are safe”

The secretary of Hacienda, Francisco Parés, together with the secretary of Hacienda, Ángel Pantoja Rodríguez and the secretary of the Auxiliary of Internal Rent, Roxana Santiago Ortiz will cover details on March about the $ 600 that the President of the United States, Donald, signed.

In addition, the resident commissioner, Jenniffer González Colón participates in the virtual survey and ensures that Hacienda will receive funds to issue the payments.

“The 600 dollars are safe. If you have this money list for Hacienda, you will receive the authorization, you can send it “, assured the resident commission.

For its part, Santiago Ortiz said that the Department of the Federal Treasury would approve the plan, and December would begin distribution.

During the virtual conference, the information that the Federal Senate did not approve the $ 2,000.

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Secretary of the Department of Education, Francisco Parés Alicea and his work team, in the Orient on the second round of the Economic Impact of $ 600 or a possible increase of $ 2,000.

Participate in the conversation with your comments and questions.

Published by Department of Hacienda in March, December 29, 2020

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