Comments about recent feline medicine publications

A lighter menu is always welcome after the Christmas period.

On this occasion, La Gatera offers a podcast for veterinarians interested in feline medicine. In summary and commentary on three recent publication articles. Select how to invert the reading time is difficult and the number of publications available each is mayor, so we do not facilitate the work. But it is very entertaining and by the truck we find everything.

In fact, the text alone inspires us to reflect on the social context in which we work. In other words, we’re refreshing the memory by acknowledging concepts that we need to know when we need questions in order to confirm their validity. And the reviews and expert advice … What a pleasure it is to be an author of a reputable reputation and decide to take a clear look at what works and what he feels, what he has done and what he has done in the end!

These are the three publications about the ones we have:

Chow, B., Hill, SL, Richter, KP, Marsilio, S., Ackermann, MR, Lidbury, JA, Suchodolski, JS, Cocker, S., & Steiner, JM (2020). Comprehensive comparison of upper and lower endoscopic small bowel biopsy in cats with chronic enteropathy. Journal of Internal Medicine, August 1–9.

Schulz, C., König, HH, & Hajek, A. (2020). Differences in self-esteem between cat owners, dog owners and individuals without pets. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7 (September), 1–8.

Simon, BT, and Steagall, PV (2020). Feline procedural sedation and analgesia: when, why and how. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22 (11), 1029–1045.

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