Commencing Walmart to administer vaccine against Covid-19

Ivanna Leos
El Diario de El Paso

Wednesday, 24 February 2021 | 13:10

The Walmart supermarket chain announced that it would begin administering Pfizer vehicles against Covid-19 in El Paso at a clinic located at Walmart Cielo Vista’s station as early as February 25th.

According to company officials, under the auspices of the Federal Program of Minority Pharmacies of the United States, the clinic will be located at the Walmart Hospital located at 7101 Gateway Blvd W, with a self-service system.

“Eligible patients can program a quote for vacancies through the Walmart Web site, so that it is convenient for vacancies to know the existence of vacancies,” he said in a statement.

The vacancies are available for those who plan to attend the actual vacancy phase in Texas, which can be found at

In addition, it is announced that no security will be required or any cost to receive the vacancy; the citations for the second vacancy are made during the first citation.

“Walmart anticipates that these events will take place during the weekend, as long as the assignment is allowed,” the agency said.

The Walmart chain says it is leading to a number of vacancies in homes that prioritize access for the most vulnerable, as well as operational capabilities.

“The team had to take into account the demographic information, the needs of local health, the staff donation and the medical data to be identified in order to identify the initial indications given by the company that could hold the mayor’s impact on the agreement.

La Dra. Cheryl Pegus, Executive Vice President of Health and Welfare, said the company is looking for goals with the vacancy.

Tenemos of the objective means of administering vacancies: first, consider such injections as are possible before we begin the process of repatriation of our country, and secondly, guarantee the equitable access to the vacancies in the communes that serve.

“We will continue to find new ways to increase access to vacancies for our customers while working on the eventual end of the pandemic”, added.

Walmart says it is also affiliated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and states to advance as quickly as possible to assist and administer vacancies to eligible populations in the 35 participating states, Puerto Rico and the District of Colombia.

“The summit and the flexibility of the vacancy will vary from state to state and local. In addition to the quotes, the programmer proposes a digital recorder when the moment of regression is reached by the second vacancy, which is what the clients that create a profile, which helps to ensure that the clients receive the second dose of the vacuna en el plazo requerido ”, informaron.
