Comienzan to pay $ 1,400 to citizens residing in the United States

The Internal Tax Service (IRS, by its English seal), initiates the third deposit check of an estimated $ 1,400 per inhabitant of the citizens of the states that have a direct deposit

Casa Blanca’s secretary of the press, Jen Pski, stated that during the end of the week some people would take the initiative in their accounts, without embarrassment.

Report by CNN, CNBC, a representative of the current bank, the day that comenzaron to receive the pages of the Treasury from the midday high, fours.

This bank commences creditors with intermediaries, including including a case in which one of the citizens receives $ 9 million in aid.

Ayer, the secretary of Hacienda, Francisco Parés, dijo que luego de esta firma, a la agencia le tomaría entre 3 to 4 weeks to start distributing the $ 1,400 in Puerto Rico.

This is the estimated time that the IRS will approve the aid plan.

The recommendation:
