Comida Chatarra: 5 versions saludables the best junk food

¿Hay lugar para la comida chatarra af una dieta saludable?

One of the most plausible reasons for being a fan of this type of product is comida chatarra well, fast food, there are hamburgers (and there are a number of foods around the world that are considered as the best), pizzas and demas are due to the lack of time to regress to come to home or to cook, because the comers are generating a sustenance in you cerebro called dopamine associated with the sensation of well-being, placement and sacrifice.

The reality of the comedy chat in Mexico:

Simón Barquera, director del Center for Research in Nutrition and Health of the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in an interview with Infobae Mexico informs that in our country more than 25,000 deaths have been associated with the consumption of sugar beets and can be explained with the survey “Food habits in Mexico” carried out by the company Mercawise in 2015 , which reveals that of 504 people, more than 50% of those acostumbraba to come chatter foods varies times per week and the 82% baby at least one refresher during this time.

The 12 best hamburgers of the world

© Getty

And our vecinos …

An article for the digital supplement Supplements 101 by Jessica Edgson on consumption dates of the “Junk food”Plant that the United States is home to over 200 miles of this type of business, it is estimated that in the course of life a full-time adult will receive 70,500 dls. in this type of committee or services at home, the predilection schedule for that committee is lunch and this country is the first with the mayor consuming France and Canada; by 2018, it had 37,855 McDonald’s restaurants around the world. For another bargain, an infographic of “Partners of your health” in North Ohio Heart Center plants that Americans as a whole collect 50 billion dls. off fast food has it ever been represented that with this amount of money it will be possible to fight the global catastrophe in question of 3 years?

Entries ¿How can you convert your belt belts into a more commendable one?

  • The popular phrase of “grass is what the grass” is completely cut but the bush is reduced in its preparations without compromising the grass or the texture.

  • Combine all the refined rabbits with whole grains, other cereals or gluten free. This form of absorption of carbs in your blood will be more slow.

  • Substitute foods listed to be served by cocaine at home can ensure the quality and quantity of the ingredients.

  • Usa recipes alternative or replacement with vegetables. ¿How many times have you had your daddy fries meters a betabel o platanum chips?

  • If you plan to wear a belt and a calf, you will not need to do anything else to reduce the weight of the portions.

How to affect the diet

© bernardbodo

Here are 5 recipes for making convertible chat in more salutary options.

Macaroni with queso caseros (Instantáneos: 2 tzas 800 tot 900 kal).

  1. 1

    Pon un poco de harina, sal y pimienta en un sartén y combina con leche descremada.

  2. 2

    Agrega cream cheese bajo en grasa y deja hervir lentamente.

  3. 3

    Add a little bit of mostaza Dijon, ajo en polvo y salsa tipo inglesa.

  4. 4

    Retreat of fugue and aggregation queso cheddar a la mezcla (geen demasiado).

  5. 5

    Cocina la pasta (legumes, macaroni and macaroons made with quinoa or whole) have what you need for teeth and gums.

  6. 6

    Mezcla the pasta with the aderezo prepared to taste

Pizza casera (commercial: 1 rope of ordinary corteza from 300 to 400 cal).

1 teaspoon salsa para pizza margarita, 1 jitomate en rodajas, 250 de queso mozarella, salsa pesto, 100g de fécula de maize, 100g de harina de arroz, 100g de papa de papa, 5g de levadura seca, 1 cda de azúcar, sal, olita aceite, agua tibia and albahaca.

  1. 1

    Preheat your oven to 200 ° C.

  2. 2

    Tamiza las féculas y la harina for mezclar. Has a hueco in the center and aggregates the levadura, azúcar, sal, aceite, un poco de agua y mezcla.

  3. 3

    Incorporate little to little water until you have the same lice and colic extended in a mold lubricated with olive oil.

  4. 4

    Agrega por encima la salsa of tomato, hornea 5 min. hasta that the mass is white, aggregates the queso rallado, las rodajas of tomato and pesto.

  5. 5

    Hornea hasta der derrita el queso 10 min. mast. Saca del horno, corta y añade las hojas de albahaca.

Horned Papas (Papas a la francesa medianas a grandes de 400 a 500 cal).

Papas al ajo”: Vegetable aceite in spray, 1 kg of papa cortada in bastones, 3 cdas of olive aceite, sal y pimienta negra, 4 dientes de ajo picados, 2 cdas de perejil picado.

  1. 1

    Preheat the horn to 230º and cover a refractory with anti-adherent spray.

  2. 2

    In a way coloca las papas y mézclalas con 2 1/2 cdas de aceite y sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto. Colocalas in the refractory in a single cape.

  3. 3

    Bells in the horn lasting 30 min. time volteandolas of when you are tired and tired.

  4. 4

    Increase the caloric intake to 260 contin C and keep the angles higher than the papas is a maroon color in some parts. Deals for 5 minutes more.

  5. 5

    Bake the remaining 1/2 cup of remaining juice with the flour and pepper in a large bowl.

  6. 6

    Saca las papas del horno, puedes volver a salpimentar un poco y despuets das un ultimo banño con el aceite con ajo para las cubra.

Hamburguesa al chipotle (Commercial: 350 to 1150 cal).

450 g of karne de res 95% lean o pavo, 1 chili chipotle in adobo finamente picado, pizca de sal. For the salsa: 1 teaspoon of yogurt griego natural desremado, 1 chili chipotle and adobo. Bolaag: Bollo integraal o multigrano (trigo, arroz, ens.), Jitomate en rodajas, lechuga, queso cheddar.

  1. 1

    Combine the karne with the chilean picado and the salt in a bowl.

  2. 2

    Divide into 4 portions, from the form to the parrilla of 4 to 5 min. by lado.

  3. 3

    For the salsa, licúa el yogurt with the other chili chipotle.

  4. 4

    Save the salsa on the tapas.

  5. 5

    Coloca la carne en la tapa inferior una vez lista, aggreg elqueso, la lechuga y el jitomate y por enima, la tapa superior.

  6. 6

    The remaining burgers can be refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Hot Cakes of Platan (Kitskos: the traditional harina approx. 660 cal).

2 platanos maduros, 2 huevos, sustituto de leche (soya o almendra), 1 1/2 tza de hojuelas de avena, 2 cditas de polvo para hornear, 1 pizca de sal, cinnamon, vainilla, frutos rojos, olive aceite de oliva o coco, miel de abeja y nuez picada.

  1. 1

    Licua: platanos, huevo, leche, polvo para hornear, avena, vainilla, cinnamon y sal.

  2. 2

    Combine the mixture into a sarten 30s to form a hot cake. Voltea hasta que quede cocido.

  3. 3

    Serve with a meal of flour, red fruits and taste.

Ah! And do not rush into freezing times or cooks to avoid the appearance of dainties like them AGE o well, reduce and compromise the supply of nutrients.
