Comic-Con 2021 canceled

Illustration for the article titled Comic-Con 2021 has been canceled

Image: Comic con

There was no personal Comic-Con in 2020, and there will also not be one in 2021 after the organizers of the show announced a decision to postpone it until 2022.

This is … a strange use of the word, as the Comic-Con in 2022 would simply be the Comic-Con of 2022, but perhaps there is legal strife involved in the exact language used in terms of insurance, etc. .

Here are the key parts of the organizer’s statement:

It is the policy of the organization to continue to keep a close eye on information from local and national health officials as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic. We could never imagine what the world will experience in 2020 and still experience today. Although we are deterred by the explosion of the vaccine and the increasing number of individuals being vaccinated, it seems that July will still be too early to keep a personal event of the scope of Comic-Con safe. For this reason, we made the challenging decision to postpone Comic-Con 2021 as an event until 2022.

Instead of a personal event, there will be a Comic-Con @ Home event hosted at the same time. And in more promising news, while the head Comic-Con was pushed in 2022, and there’s room for a smaller show to keep in between as a sort of trial run:

… we believe that a smaller personal opportunity can be a safe alternative at a later date. For this reason, we are pleased to announce that the San Diego Comic Convention plans to host a three-day event in San Diego in November.

A number of 2021 shows has already been canceled, including Katsucon.
